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  1. F

    lets talk yield, .5g to 2.5 grams per watt. how can we get there?

    lol ... when i saw what was a 1gpw grow there was no room .... so to increase that to 2.5 is a figure unrealistic as a nascar lap time... I think achieving near 1gpw means u are pushing things very far... Vertical grow can achieve more but 2.5?? Would love to see just how 'dry' that is lol...
  2. F

    Neem Oil

    also can get away with up to wk 3 of flower i reckon
  3. F

    Neem Oil

    make sure its mixed really well.. i used warm water the oil and water seperate badly.... any tips for that?? i've had burns before too ?? overdosing??
  4. F

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    could u get these peppers in uk? crop guard works well for me ... but like the look of this.. great post thanks
  5. F

    HELP i need lighting opinions! !!

    basically more lumens (what light produces), more buds.. Main issue is heat because higher power= more heat so as 2easy mentioned space is big factor... Extraction is needed with a 400 for sure unless space is big ,, people use cfl due to less heat generally... Also blue spectrum bulb for veg...
  6. F

    my bud doesnt smell like nething?????

    temps when dryin another thing plus gentle airflow... But i know i've ruined stuff when the temp has been too low,,, So painful after wks yh?? Only good is u learn from hard mistakes(thats the theory lol)
  7. F

    C02 Question

    i think using co2 properly is a very advanced technique which is the kinda thing u do when u've really mastered ur craft.. (i haven't)... As mentioned optimum environment is the most important factor for big harvests so the humidity hike is an issue as mentioned due to mould susceptibility...