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  1. errb

    My Grow wish me luck

    doesn't look like they will be ready for a few weeks still. need to get pics up close and in focus haha do you have a magnifying glass? E.
  2. errb

    Club 600

    hey all, miss you guys like wild! my grow turned to shit. Mites killed most my early flowering ladies. chopped all the rest of them and now have some killah shmoke for basically the rest of the winter. I'm actually starting up another room at my friends place. Just curious if you guys have any...
  3. errb

    Club 600

    hi all! hope everyone is doing great in the new year. been really busy with life haha as i'm sure we all are. just can't seem to find the time to get on the net much lately. just wanted to say hey cause I was thinking about you all! much love Errb.
  4. errb

    Club 600

    DST, your leaves look so fresh and deep green. do you do a lot of feeding directly to the fan leaves? or is this a secret you wish to remain yours? I mean I'm green with envy! lol haha (figured that was kind of funny, could be the splif i just smoked tho) :weed: E.
  5. errb

    Club 600

    oh man oh man... just in time for christmas!! :) peace love and happiness to all my 600 family!!! E.
  6. errb

    My Grow wish me luck

    they look good man. merry xmas E.
  7. errb

    Thinking of chopping and hanging tomorrow, what do you think? Two more days?

    looks to me like you have some nute issues going on but i would say a week atleast. E.
  8. errb

    Club 600

    why would you do such a thing? E.
  9. errb

    Club 600

    hey gents, where do you think I could pick up a magnifying glass thats powerful enough to check trichs? walmart? home depot?.. where do you guys get yours? E.
  10. errb

    Club 600

    much love man!! thanks Jig! I'll give it a try! E.
  11. errb

    The Steahiest of Stealth

    looking good man. E.
  12. errb

    Insane's Vertical Stadium - Multi-Strain Garden

    Insane those look like some nicee tasty budz! how far along are they? E.
  13. errb

    Club 600

    holy moses! thats way to much work to do that haha I'll stick with my thumbnails. E.
  14. errb

    Thinking of chopping and hanging tomorrow, what do you think? Two more days?

    hey man, take some pics of the entire plant. they don't look ready to me but with those pics it is difficult to say. E.
  15. errb

    My Grow wish me luck

    yeah you can pinch off the bottom little flower sites and leaves, and how much depends on the basic size of your plant brudda! E.
  16. errb

    Club 600

    also, how do you guys post up the pictures without making them in to thumbnails? E.
  17. errb

    Club 600

    thanks bassman! yeah i hed to your words before when i posted my ladies. I tossed a heavy N nute in my mix and it seemed to pick em up and i slowly weined it away. next time I'm going to keep it going through my 4th week of flower. gotta love the trial and error period. thanks for all the help...
  18. errb

    Club 600

    ok so here are my ladies at week 6, still battling with yellow leaves and browning :( can't seem to get those glossy deep green leaves that DST's got rocking. but i will learn as i go. then my next few ladies are in week 4.. cheese dawg, and PK hope everyone has a great weekend E.
  19. errb

    Club 600

    looks good man! i can't wait to crop my ladies.. still another week to go though. I ordered a magnifying glass so i can check on the trichs. hopefully it will be here soon time!! haha cause I'm becoming very anxious!! E.
  20. errb

    starting seedlings

    your going to have to get over that my friend. if you think that is bad just wait till your ladies are in full bloom and smelling so delicious! that will be a true test !!! E.