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  1. BobVila

    Growing in shade

    probably better off hooking up a couple of fluorescents.
  2. BobVila

    Might be busted

    Yeah, I think they can scrape the resin, but who knows, also since they didnt write in the report that they found weed you may be in good shape to combat them if you got a lawyer, it may just get thrown out.
  3. BobVila

    when to flower

    I think it usually took me about 2 to 2.5 months till I got them to autoflower on 18, 6. I just made my plant flower though after a month, it is a quick harvest. This thing is small though and I definately think it wanted to grow some more.
  4. BobVila

    BobVila's "This Old Grow Show"

    She is a she. Going to get as much as I can out of the fluorescents and then do a one week HPS flower and harvest, it is going to be premature but I'm going on a vacation and can't do much about it. Just want some smoke.
  5. BobVila


    You can cause a fire even. That is rediculous, I would be taping that thing or something. The switch by-passes a capictor that is required I think for the HPS so if you had it on MH you probably had no capacitor to regulate the HPS. Be careful, when ever you are doing this, pay attention...
  6. BobVila

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    THat seems overly complicated. I just throw some tap to a gallon jug with some 20 20 20 and bam. Sometimes I squirt it with water. Also those leaves at the top are kinda curling. Do you have a fan on that thing at ALL??? It could also be from no air movement.
  7. BobVila

    First time grower - Lighting question

    Buy some small tubes, some spiril lights or something. THat is really all you need. If you want check out my grow journal in the grow journal section on the site. I'm trying to keep the plant as small as possible and only use fluorescents.
  8. BobVila

    BobVila's "This Old Grow Show"

    I've moved the plant to a slightly larger setup. Still working out the kinks though. Planning to setup a externaly attached power supply and a air filtration system. Getting there, LOOKS LIKE IT IS FEMALE THOUGH. Nice thing is that it is now in a cooler area too. Was having heat issues before.
  9. BobVila

    14/14 budding

    They have always tried this crap before and it never is as good as what the plant is normally use to. MJ has been growing for millenia now you are gonna throw it in some light schedule that it has never adapted too. The idea of indoor is to simulate perfect outdoor conditions. THis is simulating...
  10. BobVila

    Clone Gel VS. Clone Powder

    Yeah I like the powder better too, have both tho but always had better luck with the powder.
  11. BobVila

    How to eliminate odor in my situation?

    Well you want the air that is coming out of the room to not smell like pot. If you let air out without passing it through a filter it will smell like pot. No matter what you do if the slightest bit of unfiltered air gets out it will smell. So I would bet that nothing is going to work unless you...
  12. BobVila

    Who think bong water would be good to water with???

    Why must some always ask this question......
  13. BobVila

    First time growing need help smokaz help me out

    You should grab as cheap as flouros as you can then. When it is starting out one little bulb is good enough. You want the blue spectrum or cool white for the veg. Warm or red spectrum for flower. I think you can even get those fancy full spectrums too but that isn't really necess and they cost...
  14. BobVila

    Super Stealth

    Totally awesome.
  15. BobVila

    Grow lights ......??

    yeah, best to start clones, and for any plant but, some people say to use HPS at least for flower stage.
  16. BobVila

    BobVila's "This Old Grow Show"

    Filling out finally, trying to keep this thing small and flower it ASAP.
  17. BobVila

    Why the hell

    Yeah, I have an hps but because of the heat I may end up using CFL's for the veg and most of the flower stage. Thats some body who probably lives in the woods of alabama and just doesn't know what we city folk may have to do to keep the grow on the DL and the get some stuff while we are at it.
  18. BobVila

    Can you plant seeds that male plants produce?

    No, because male plants don't make seeds. They polinate. No one else would even reply to this because you need to read more on your own.
  19. BobVila

    BobVila's "This Old Grow Show"

    I had to do some down sizing. Only one plant now. Hope this is a female. Setup has had some upgrades and I increased the plant pot.