
Active Member
i need help bad the plants about to die and i dont know wat to do..about 2 weeks ago i put it in new soil cause the old soil was shit. its droopy, leafs r yellow on the tips of some and the old leafs r dry. the new leafs coming thru r looking good just the bigger older 1s r screwed wat should i do!


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looks like you need some nutrients. Yellowing is nitrogen deficiency. Dry, papery texture is potassium deficiency. The purple stems are also phosphorous deficiency so you are lacking all three macro nutes. You need a fertilizer.

mr west

Well-Known Member
mared is right get some half stregth nutes in there, they will be fine in a week. Good luck dude


Well-Known Member
I'm going with the crowd, time for a low dose of nutes. Start low and build up weekly. U will see improvements within 24 hours.


Active Member
thanks for all that guys, but there is already fert mixed in with the soil. Its called blood and bone nutrients and we did the mixture right for the soil:fert ratio.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
What ph water are you using? Because if you are putting in the right nutrients then the roots are not taking them up.


Well-Known Member
bingo thats your problem get a Ph tester Ive found them as low as 20$ online.

ph test your water and soil


Active Member
THat seems overly complicated. I just throw some tap to a gallon jug with some 20 20 20 and bam. Sometimes I squirt it with water. Also those leaves at the top are kinda curling. Do you have a fan on that thing at ALL??? It could also be from no air movement.


Active Member
yeh theres a fan on it now venting air but not on it 24 hours a day.

I also made diy co2 today so hopefully should see inprovements. Thanks for the advice about water ph mate, what ph should soil and water be?


Active Member
cheers, btw does anyone know what strain of plant i got just by looking at characteristics? Theyare just bagseed but if anyone could tell me it would be appreciated. thanks

mr west

Well-Known Member
the chlorine evaporates off when u boil it as do some of the other nastys that are in tap water. Cheers