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  1. Mr.Ohmorda

    Arizona Growers Thread

    Hypothetically can a school district see if a teacher has a MMJ card when doing the background check for hiring them? And if they can, then what can they do? Just saying, I may know someone in this situation.
  2. Mr.Ohmorda

    when to switch to flower?

    Thank you all. I have made a lot mistakes on this first full indoor grow. I have 4 clones coming and I will be using a lot of what I learned from you all and from trial and error (lots of error) for the new ladies. Happy New Year and may it be as high as the last or higher.
  3. Mr.Ohmorda

    Using Mirrors

    I have more work to do to the space to paint white. And I have a plant now that will have no home while I paint so it will have to wait until I crop out then the next grow will have the nice new white walls. Thanks.
  4. Mr.Ohmorda

    when to switch to flower?

    I have a 3 gal and the roots are starting to peak out the bottom. Think it is time to switch to 12/12. Nervous because the stupid timer was such a pain before. Thanks man.
  5. Mr.Ohmorda

    when to switch to flower?

    For my first grow my girl is growing bigger and bigger every day. When should I switch her to flower? It is an Green Martian (Indica). My area is limited in height to 58". Thanks for any help as I stumble my way through the first grow.
  6. Mr.Ohmorda

    Using Mirrors

    Thanks for all the input. Going to be building a separate grow and flower room soon and I will def paint the walls.
  7. Mr.Ohmorda

    Using Mirrors

    I have two large mirrors. What is your opinion on using mirrors instead of milar? I am totally new at indoor growing.
  8. Mr.Ohmorda

    Encounter with Mesa PD.

    I was less attacking you then the billion people that THINK they are great stoned drivers. As long as you are as responsible with Pot as you would expect someone else with any medication then I see no problem in what you did. Stay safe, Stay medicated.
  9. Mr.Ohmorda

    Light placement

    I seen a tube thing that has ducting that I think may fit over the bulb and allow me to now buy an expensive hood. I will be going to my local hydro store manana.
  10. Mr.Ohmorda

    My Super Grow Room

    Sweet set up. I am on the opposite end of the spectrum with two plants and a 400 watt budget build. I like your toys.
  11. Mr.Ohmorda

    Light placement

    Thanks. I was afraid of losing some lumins because of it being too far away but I don't want to cook my plant either.
  12. Mr.Ohmorda

    Light placement

    I am doing my first indoor grow. I have a book but it failed to say how far from my plant my light should be. The plant (green martian indica) is about 6" tall. I have a 400 watt HPS. I know MH is better for vegg but I only have one bulb and not enough money to run both yet. So I digress, How...
  13. Mr.Ohmorda

    if you have ever grown pot or are going to. THIS IS YOUR BIBLE

    I couldn't stop picturing me doing all of this. i specially liked the shaman.
  14. Mr.Ohmorda

    Encounter with Mesa PD.

    Though I am all about you standing up for yourself and all. I do not think that it was right to have been driving. If we want MMJ to be taken serious we will need to follow the rules. If you are on oxy you are not allowed to drive or any other mind altering substance. Maybe next time buy your...
  15. Mr.Ohmorda

    Hello from the Southwestern U.S.

    Well my lovely state finally passed the medical mj law. Now that I have a LEGAL avenue for growing and smoking I am the happiest. After abstaining from mj for 10 years in fear of legal repercussions. I am so happy to see the shift towards legalization. I can't wait to learn from all the...
  16. Mr.Ohmorda

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey all. Just got my medical card now the wife will let me grow. I need some help though.I've tried to grow outside with mixed results (still growing). Due to the harsh climate I am forced to grow inside. I have a closet that has 2'x3' and 8' tall of usable space. Electrical is not an issue. I...