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  1. Downbytheriver

    Where to buy clones in Sacramento area???

    there are clubs in sac that carry (well did last year) DH cuts. call around. or you can call DH and see where they do cut drops.
  2. Downbytheriver

    Where to buy clones in Sacramento area???

    just see who is carrying dark heart cuts. thats your best bet
  3. Downbytheriver

    Not sure on deficiency

    at this point i would say overwatering is your problem. Also don't worry too much about yellowing on those first set of leaves sometimes they drop them early.
  4. Downbytheriver

    transplanted 18 hours ago
  5. Downbytheriver

    I had to cut my plant stem

    Next time something like this happens best thing to do is remove some roots also. Get the plant balanced out. It will bounce back faster. I have had a cat take down a tray of one off clones at a buddies house. We spent the next 4 hours replanting and trimming back roots. They kicked back...
  6. Downbytheriver

    leaf edges are curling upward please help

    hard to tell but is it only the top leaves? id say heat stress if thats true.
  7. Downbytheriver

    transplanted 18 hours ago

    Looks unfazed. Well done.
  8. Downbytheriver

    Yellow Dots and Curling :0 help a newb.

    yup typically a ph problem that leads to nutrient uptake problem but could possibly just be a nutrient problem. lets us know your water ph going in and if you can catch the runoff the ph coming out, PPM will also be useful info. have a good one
  9. Downbytheriver

    Seedlings and rapid start

    Yeah if you have pre-nuted soil leave it alone for a few weeks. Any kind of nutes at this point would be an overkill I know its hard starting from seed as it feels like its growing so slow. But don't worry seed plants really take off and will out grow their clone counterparts more times then...
  10. Downbytheriver

    12/12 outdoor question

    A plant thats always 12/12 will start to flower when it hits maturity. It just cant help it, its in its genetics to do so. Now it does appear your plant started to flower and I am guessing you did not want it too yet. So that leaves you 2 options at this point. Option one let it finish out...
  11. Downbytheriver

    root problems

    transplant and take a look at the roots. if you see a bunch of dead roots trim them off and replant if you dont leave them alone. . I would trim a bit off the top too. try to match the amount of roots you took out to the amount of green you need to trim . also a cupping leaf might be heat...
  12. Downbytheriver

    yeah i don't see that being a problem. Take note of your results.

    yeah i don't see that being a problem. Take note of your results.
  13. Downbytheriver

    are these plants nearly done if anyone can help

    if you have a bit of amber and all cloudy on the top go ahead and cut the big tops off and leave the mids and bottom to ripen for a bit. they will plump up for you.
  14. Downbytheriver

    Old time grower willing to help.

    best lights you can afford. but that pretty much goes for every area of your grow. you can typically find some good deals on craigslist for used equipment if you are doing a budget grow.
  15. Downbytheriver

    Old time grower willing to help.

    roughly yes. Now you can probably get a bit closer. PM me it makes it easier to follow your grow progress.
  16. Downbytheriver


    If i were you i would pick up a 400 watt HPS. as for a feed formula just bump it up slowly and see how she responds. People get way to caught up in the numbers and stop listening to their girls. Sometimes i do a grow that never exceeds 900ppm and its amazing other times i hit 1600 and its...
  17. Downbytheriver

    Goin to flowering

    pictures my friend.
  18. Downbytheriver

    Starting with Coco only ... But I am studying organics !!!

    yup go dry when you can and honestly they all work fairly the same. if you want to take it to the next level start brewing tea.
  19. Downbytheriver


    leave the leaves lol . You could trellis out a bit to open the center. I am against snipping fans unless in a SOG style grow. she looks good. Nice color and build. When its right its right nothing to do but sit back and soak in it. Are you going to flower this girl ? might want to take cutting...
  20. Downbytheriver

    Ready for harvest ? or wait another week ?

    yeah its rough looking but it could plump up a bit . hit with water a few days then do the deed.