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  1. M

    What city's do not give your medication back?

    My son went to jail in Kent county for open container something so stupid. He signed his property over to me I have a card as well the jail gave me his bong and pipe but lost the meds.
  2. M

    How do you get dense buds?

    I am growing stavia I just harvested over a lb dried and cured but my buds are so fluffy. It is an amazing high but not what the dispensary's want. They want tight buds. I got good reviews on high but looks not so much said to fluffy. I am using 600hps light some decent soil and light nutes...
  3. M

    finished trimming. first harvest!

    Congrts it is so sad how they shrink when drying...
  4. M

    Help needed with storage

    LOL this was a good lesson learned :)
  5. M

    Help needed with storage

    thank you I think I will, I grew way more than I thought and now the local dispensary is not in need of any meds as of now and wants me to make bubble hash oh way out of my realm I just got lucky and grew some really good stuff I think I will hold on to. I also have about 3 pounds of popcorn...
  6. M

    Help needed with storage

    Hi All, I got my first harvest under belt over one lb. I got 20 mason jars half full and I have been curing for almost 2 weeks. Can I fill the jars all the way up to only have 10 everything is dry. for some reason I thought you were not supposed to fill them up but this is alot of jars to...
  7. M

    Michigan... how can i find a doctor who will give me a card

    Google it or call a dispensary they usually know Dr in your area. That is how I found one.
  8. M

    Newbie, please help

    Welcome the best advice I got was to read as much as possible and Keep it simple. If I can do it anyone can. I got a decent soil at the plant store. I had to learn how to water when dry and not all the time. Read alot I went searching these forms alot and if I was really unsure post a...
  9. M

    What we are working on

    I have a mixture of indica and stavia for next time in veg room..
  10. M

    What we are working on

    I am working on patience... It is taking forever for the girls to finish. My first grow pick a long stavia. UGhh.
  11. M

    Double checking if ready

    Thank you!
  12. M

    Double checking if ready

    This was the only half way decent picture I could get in flower room can't move plants. I am thinking this is ready to come down. Just recalibrating myself. It is stavia and trichs are cloudy. any feedback would help me cause I think I chopped the first one to early and want to make sure...
  13. M

    They are ready

    Good Job I am not laughing these look good.
  14. M

    General Marijuana Cultivation

    I do not know what to say, glad you got a good grade but as a newbie I did not learn much on how to grow reading this at all. Sorry IMO
  15. M

    This is how you determan when to start flower stage...

    all I know from the Light of Jah I am growing it was vegged for 2 months and I took it over at 6 weeks into flower and it is going on 13 weeks and still going patience is the key with this strain. It was easy to clone and I am going to veg the clones for a while till I can clear out flower room...
  16. M

    This is how you determan when to start flower stage...

    A half ass one I spend more time reading on here. Just try to doc key things I am learning.
  17. M

    What do you think?

    I believe God is the ultimate being of everything. I think the soul is what makes me me and you you. I think the spirit world is the place the souls that either God does not want yet or you have alot of unfinished business and can not leave earth yet I do not think this is the Heaven people...
  18. M

    This is how you determan when to start flower stage...

    LOL no its the strain name, I have 12 clones and 12 ready to harvest anytime small time first grow.
  19. M

    This is how you determan when to start flower stage...

    If you have room, space light, all female clones can you veg for 2 or more months 18/6? I am not sure of my topping training skills yet so I am just letting them go. I have pre 98 bubba kush, qleaner, jock horror, loj. So a mix of In/st strains will it hurt anything to just them them do there...
  20. M

    are these ready...with pics:)

    They look close to me mine are looking like yours but I still have alot of clear trichs so I am waiting another week but I am a new grower as well and waiting is not easy. I have not made up my mine about a dark cycle though it is cold in basement with out lights. Good Job and happy...