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  1. R

    NEED SERIOUS HELP>>>>someone with some knowlegde please read.

    lol sorry i ment white widow i was so baked and so worried lol
  2. R

    Getting high from the GROWROOM??

    sorry i was baked last night. and co from a cracked furnace can seriously hurt or even kill you. with over 30ppm in the house in unsafe and the first signs are dizzyness short of breath. and if u go outside and there is no problem. i changed out probly 25 funaces this last winter due to cracked...
  3. R

    NEED SERIOUS HELP>>>>someone with some knowlegde please read.

    same i didnt no if i was missing anything. how long will it take till i notice a noticeable change?
  4. R

    could use some help

    anyone? have any idea's?
  5. R

    NEED SERIOUS HELP>>>>someone with some knowlegde please read.

    okay thank god..i was worried first grow...just wondering how the hell i fucked up i spent so much time reading before i started lol.
  6. R

    Getting high from the GROWROOM??

    well it could be very possible that ur furnace is cracked and it could be leading to excess co2 in the house with can be infact everything you said and much more. if your appliances havent been checked and u feel light headed and have a nice fuel source safety first...just wat i do for a...
  7. R

    could use some help

    tryed in the indoor maybe u guys may no something okay i just got these perfect little white willow and a few white willow and blue berry clones. they were in one inch cubes. almost all of them were already fully rooted and coming out. some were almost there. now just 1 or 2 had 1 yellow leaf...
  8. R

    Need Advice and help

    well i would go with ur package number 5 just due to the nature of the acutal plant. i know alot of people use both hps and Mh but if you just looking to go with something good. i get the 400 watt hps model why you may ask? cause you can get the blue spectrum in the 430 watt hps models most...
  9. R

    NEED SERIOUS HELP>>>>someone with some knowlegde please read.

    okay i just got these perfect little white willow and a few white willow and blue berry clones. they were in one inch cubes. almost all of them were already fully rooted and coming out. some were almost there. now just 1 or 2 had 1 yellow leaf so i wasent worried he knows what hes doing so. my...
  10. R

    cost effective exhaust fan.

    well i vented mine right to the chimey lol use a bathroom fan. and i used solid venting but u could use flexible...but get a cheapy 2 speed kmart 30 bucks... works great always keep atleast low no back draft affect...unless u dont have any co2. i run meter's on mine drops to low turns...
  11. R

    pics of the baby's

    gurlyfriend camera dont really no how to use it so i srunk them.
  12. R

    First grow beginning setup just started TODAY

    get some maylar up there ur be very happy with the low cost and great output of the light :)
  13. R

    pics of the baby's

    lol i dont no whats up with that every time i load they do that small odd.
  14. R

    pics of the baby's

    here ya go tell me what ya think i no the yellowing if from the mothers of white widow and white widow with blueburry they were packed no light hitting bottom leaves
  15. R

    Anybody got info on the t5

    thats all i use for my outdoor stuff to get them ready.
  16. R

    Anybody got info on the t5

    i have 2 t5 shop lights work just fine use the ge daylight blubs.
  17. R

    my sound stupid but would smoking a cig

    meh i just thought... i smoke a bit to thought id be helping if smoked in there too plus its the best vented room in my house lol
  18. R

    how do I control humidity?

    put a cup of water..2 or 3 maybe help alittle down to r local home hardware or whatever get a humity and temp gauge. there pretty cheap run ya about 15 bucks. works great to find room temp..mine has alarms for humity and temp if it gets to cold or get to warm..or not enuough humity or...
  19. R

    my sound stupid but would smoking a cig

    in the grow room be good for ur plant due to the co2????let me no very curious