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  1. E

    what do you do with the sugar leaves when it s all purple/yellow

    Awesome LED grow! I've very curious/excited about switching over myself.
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    All Natural Grow - Harvest/Dry/Cure Journal

    4 days dry. Jarred a couple of popcorn buds just to get an idea of how to cure. This is the phase in the process I know the least about...Mostly due to how vague information is on dry/cure. I understand the humidity stages of curing but the aesthetics I'm clueless on.
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    East Coast Hurricane, What to do if I lose power???

    Looks like the storm is intensifying. :(
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    All Natural Grow - Harvest/Dry/Cure Journal

    Do you think I over did it? I'm not exactly sure how to execute a proper trim... I just removed all the fan leaves and tried to be careful about it. There were only two plants so I spent about 25 minutes combing over them. Also I trimmed entirely at the 48hr point from harvest. I have passive...
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    if power goes out for 5-10 days will my flowering plants be ok?

    In my opinion, if the plants are large enough, they'll make it..but will be stunted and stressed to hell. If they're relatively flimsy..I'd guesstimate a 20% survival rate. In both cases, this an unfortunate circumstance...Like hitting a deer with your car. I feel sorry for your buddy.
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    All Natural Grow - Harvest/Dry/Cure Journal

    48 Hours after harvest. I've completed trimmed the buds as they are not officially 'dead'. Temps and humidity have been great to me!
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    All Natural Grow - Harvest/Dry/Cure Journal

    Hey bros I appreciate the feedback! That's exactly what I've been looking for...Alternate suggestions. Rav - I bought into the thread about 'a better dry is more essential than prolonged cure'. Compared to the other buds that I early harvested, these have a much more pungent aroma. I guess time...
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    All Natural Grow - Harvest/Dry/Cure Journal

    24 hours of dry. Temp: 70 Humidity: 48%
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    All Natural Grow - Harvest/Dry/Cure Journal

    Just before chopping! Total Harvest Main Colas The Bud Cauldron Main Colas too big to fit. :(
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    All Natural Grow - Harvest/Dry/Cure Journal

    So tonight marks the 48th hour of darkness my flowers have endured just before their harvest tomorrow morning. I found two rouge seeds in March and they both happened to germinate. Used viagoro organic soil, Estoma plant tone for vegging Estoma flower tone + molasses/epsom salt water for...
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    Epsom salt question

    I mix 1tsp of epsom salt per gallon of PH'd water during a flush. The salt helps to leach out the deposit byproducts of fertilizers you're using. I don't believe salts are an adequate solution to cal and mg deficiency...They contain on trace amounts.
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    sick plant?

    If you could post up some pictures it would really help us to better identify the problem. Without knowing the details...such as the direction they're curling, the color,texture, vibrancy, feeding schedule, nutes, soils, light, ect...It's literally impossible to pinpoint the problem. It could...
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    Looking for Advice and suggestions before I start!

    I think it looks great. I like your setup. In my opinion that seems like an awful lot of light for such a small space...but with that cool tube and the ventilation you've got going on it shouldn't be much of a problem...Just hope you don't plan on growing out 4 ft plants or you'll only have room...
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    heads up...jars on sale....@ k-mart

    I just purchased a case of wide mouths at Wally world for 8 the store. Today.
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    Are my plants dying?

    If you posted up some pictures it would be much easier to help you. Based off of what you listed you could have anything from a simple PH lockout, to overfert, to bug damage.
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    First Grow - 8th Week Flower - Ready For Harvest?

    My smaller plant is being destroyed by caterpillars. If conditions don't improve in 24hrs she's getting the axe. Such a shame...I'm nearly depressed.
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    Budworm Stunted Late Flowering Growth. Should I Harvest Early?

    Look at her man....She's fucked up.
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    Budworm Stunted Late Flowering Growth. Should I Harvest Early?

    It looks like this is a war that I'm losing. While I haven't found anymore caterpillars after a thorough inspection...The overall health of the plant just looks like a 'slow death'. The plant looks hurt and sad...Discoloration, dying fan leaves, airy bud structure..and a much reduced amount of...
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    Budworm Stunted Late Flowering Growth. Should I Harvest Early?

    Yep I took that one on purpose. I pulled him out and torched him to death for him crimes against humanity. It looks like my worms are actually living in the stems of some of the wonder this poor plant is so stunted. Is there any hope for her or should I just cut it down before...
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    Budworm Stunted Late Flowering Growth. Should I Harvest Early?

    This plant just isn't taking off as well as it's sister and they're in late flower. She's suffered a budworm infestation that I've all but eradicated. I literally have pulled pull them out of the bud's stalk...How depressing. Anyway. Should I continue to allow her to flower or just cut my losses...