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  1. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow Part Duex

    Hey All, I transplanted plant 1 to her new home a 22 oz cottage cheese container. I used a cheap old soldering iron to punch drainage holes in it:lol: Plant 2 is worrying me, the seed leaves are turning brown, maybe she is getting too much light for her tender young age... I put a lid with holes...
  2. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow Part Duex

    Hi Gang, Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I have been having some health issues..After numerous trial and errors, this is what I have learned so far... 1.Germination- I use a plastic cigarette tupperware style container, and cut a cellulouse kitchen sponge to fit it. (Pics later on) This way I...
  3. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow Part Duex

    I wasn't able to post my pictures last night as well I was alot stoned:) So here are my day 1 and day 2 pics...I am real happy that one of my many bagseeds FINALLY sprouted hahaha. I am using grow coir and shultz liquid plant food. I have one 42 watt cfl with hood. I use a moisture meter and a...
  4. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow Part Duex

    Hi all..I finally got a single bagseed plant too sprout..I use grow coir cocunut soil..I also use shultz plant food, I got a ph of 7.0 and yea I bought a soil ph tester and 2 moisture meeters:) This is my true seedling:):weed:
  5. toadqueen

    Hello New Growers

    Hello New Growers...First Off, I just want to say that this forum is a grower's pipe dream. All you have to do is take the time and do the reading, chances are at least one person has seen your problem or has tried your scenario. Which brings me to my main point..Everybody has there method and...
  6. toadqueen

    Bubs first cfl grow(test run)

    Maan your babies look great, gratz and way to go..My first grow was an epic failure, so I have been saving up bagseeds for 2 years and have just now been attempting my second grow..I don't wanna grow tons of em, just enough plants for personal use bongsmilie So far I figured out when working...
  7. toadqueen

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    I bought this book after my first grow failed, it is now my "growing bible" I have read thru it soo much and there is alot of useful info in there, and it's not complicated at all you can understand it when yer baked and compare the pictures to your plants, or if your plants aren't sprouted yet...
  8. toadqueen

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Maaan awesome stuff:) I use coco to grow in when i transplant to the bigger pots because for awhile it was all i had lol...I would lOVE a dedicated coco or grow coir thread:)
  9. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow Part Duex

    My Little girl was "breached" I watered her in the soil too hard and she fell on her side so I had to gently un bury her with tweezers and re plant her at 1/4 of an inch...I am hoping she will be ok...I am also experimenting with using a plastic tupperare style cigarrette container and an old...
  10. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow Part Duex

    ok my newborn is here she is tuff to see lol:bigjoint:
  11. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow Part Duex

    My First grow attempt was a total epic failure..Here are the mistakes I made:wall:The first thing was I started with too many plants..smaller is better makes it easier to start out, it is cheaper to buy supplies and fewer plants mean more individualized attention. My new grow will have no more...
  12. toadqueen

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Yea, Bagseed is the best strain experiment and play with....I saved up my bagseed for 2 years...after the fact that my first grow with bought seed was an epic failure...hey when I get buds off of bagseed then I will get me some indoor indica:) I am a CFL grower, with 3 plants max haha...
  13. toadqueen

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Hey Meta, Don't get discouraged, my first grow was a huge epic fail, Now I am experimenting with bag seeds I have saved up:)
  14. toadqueen

    fresh start:)

    :blsmoke::?Hey my friends my 2008 grow was an epic failure..BUT I got a kamikaze grow now..since I have a steady supply and all lol..I got one plant planted on the 8th..when it or another germinates I will make a NEW grow Journal..I am so glad to be back I missed yall:joint::hump:
  15. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    Setting up my "bloom room" I decided to use an old wardrobe instead of adding the closet to my room. i am using a 250 watt halogen bulb and 4 23 watt CFLs in there..the area is 2 by 2 and 6 foot tall and the color inside is naturally reflective. I will be posting more pics as we finish it, i...
  16. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    yea, no doubt lol, i think i will prolly start some new plants, but i got some clones i am werkin with too, plus, i finally got enuff connections to keep in i will keep the old ones too lol luckily my bud bailed me out with 2 plants he couldn't keep soo come october i will still be...
  17. toadqueen


    maan i hope all goes well with you.....I would get a good free lawyer consult and weigh the money aspect, as well as any IF ANY:D prior arrests you had, if it were me, with a clean slate, i would fight to get it thrown out, just in case somthing happened down the road, and i would move because...
  18. toadqueen

    Whoreable's Threesome

    daaaam, those plants are looking great bro, keep it up, and pray for my neardead mascott plant i over nuted, i named it "mongul" i got a pic of it in my journal lol..hey, you got this growin stuff down:)
  19. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    Not much happening today, just flushed my plants again with aged tap water...i put up pics of my sick plants so others can learn from them lol, I have been told to "start over" on some, but i got a good supply of smoke, so i am gonna ride it out and see if i can nurse em back to health and learn...
  20. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    i use an indica, shiva shanti, and the 2 my buddy gave me is skunk:)