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  1. D

    2nd grow doing great UNTILL i noticed how big ones getting

    Dude that's awesome mines like 40 days veg and 6 days 12/12 I've got 5grams of micro added into the ffof I let them all show signs of hunger before feeding them just to make sure I wouldn't burn them from the nutes that extrema in the back corner is like 4.5 feet tall and 2 feet wide...
  2. D

    2nd grow doing great UNTILL i noticed how big ones getting

    Dude that's awesome mines like 40 days veg and 6 days 12/12
  3. D

    2nd grow doing great UNTILL i noticed how big ones getting

    Thanks guys my first indoor I did was sugar punch and I did an lst, I just didn't know if I should tied her down when she was that big
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    2nd grow doing great UNTILL i noticed how big ones getting

    So yea, I decided this grow I'd do some extrema, sugar punch and some Hercules (all sannies of course)well it turns out that they really enjoy not being touched just to water them, well it turns out that extrema has really blown up and I have no ideas on what to do to get the top's away from the...
  5. D

    to cut or not to cut that is the question

    Nah i actualy waited untill i saw pistols startn to show. And Well ya learn something new everyday ive been looking at the leaves for the trics ha Well im thinkn Now that i know that, that first bud might be alittle under cooked *HULK SAD* LOL
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    to cut or not to cut that is the question

    What about trics those on the bigger bud r amber and cloudy no clear trics atleast on that bud
  7. D

    to cut or not to cut that is the question

    Pics on my page and there should b a couple on this thread thank you for the comment and i think next grow im gonna Try a scrog
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    to cut or not to cut that is the question

    Well that makes me happy cuz i really wanted too But i wasnt Sure cuz its the first grow inside.... So what i got out of that is that its gonna b ok to clip the main stem/ main cola and a couple branchs that it wont stress the left over plant too much and mess me all up LOL Sorry u know kinda a...
  9. D

    to cut or not to cut that is the question

    ok the first and last pic is the main cola and when put under the microscope at 60x-100x the trics r cloudy and amber, But the bottom half of plant is cloudy and clear plus the ones on the bottom r small and still look underdeveloped i was thinking that i was just gonna cut main cola and let...
  10. D

    need help fast please, 5th week flowering

    No i toke 30ml split that in half into a gallon jug then when i pulled my little water filler out filled that with half water from another jug then added the plant food from other jug into my already filled water filler LOL dont know the name of the water filler But all and all its half and half
  11. D

    need help fast please, 5th week flowering

    Thanks claypipe
  12. D

    need help fast please, 5th week flowering

    Yea But the last three times ive watered with bloom filling half my jug with bloom then half with r.o water
  13. D

    whats going on ??? electrical help

    I had a prob like that just recently my bulb was fried i changed it out and evrything was hunky dorie so to speck
  14. D

    need help fast please, 5th week flowering

    Ok people heres the deal the last three times ive watered ive given my plants b.a.c bloom organic, when i was watering id give it half and half water and bloom at a quarter stregth, whats got me is its yellow in the middle and its tips r looking burnt and curling up at the tips, you should b...
  15. D

    new pic of sugar punch 2 day in flower

    and another
  16. D

    new pic of sugar punch 2 day in flower

    And now on to some bud porn
  17. D

    new pic of sugar punch 2 day in flower

    New update: Had some lockout issues, I think. Flushed with R.O water about 3days ago and water and feed them all organic nuts of course every thing else has been organic so might as well keep it up, oh yea I added a tablespoon of dolamite lime to my water just cuz I felt like it needed it but...
  18. D

    need guru for help,

    I can't find cal/mag anywhere near me. It sucks, next time I'm gonna throw in some dolamite lime and mix up the soil with another brand with my ffof. I had buffer tabs from sannies but I started my dirt like 2 weeks earlier then planting. (u know trying to b prepared) come to find out, I...
  19. D

    need guru for help,

    It's a hooded air cooled 600 watt hps/mh lite and its about 27 in from the closest cola I think the chart i saw said 18-24 inches for 600 watt 24-36 for 1000 watt
  20. D

    need guru for help,

    Thanks bro, sometimes I get a wee bit ahead of myself. Lol I'm thinkn the next grow will b a little easier on the nerves, I tend to jump pretty quick its only this leaves so tonight I feed it with some organic nutes very small amount and ph'ed the water to 6.8 so hopefully that'll help out. The...