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  1. N

    What Are You Listening To?

    Between the Buried and Me: The Parallax II: Future Sequence Best metal band out there IMO. I can feel the dopamine flowing thru my brain... For me its like an aural drug!
  2. N

    Mini Split AC Units

    Yes, Mitsubishi Electric rocks.. They're very common here, too and seem to last forever. Not one compressor failure yet out of 100's we've installed! Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is a different company altogether, not bad either but I'd rather go for the Electric. Panasonic has had a lot of...
  3. N

    Mini Split AC Units

    Yep. What coolman and Joe said. Nice to see a colleague here, hi! Only thing I'd like to add is that LGs don't seem to be built to last. Maybe its just due to the extreme temp conditions here, heating in very cold temps and stuff but Toshiba, both Mitsubishi brands, Daikin, Sharp, Sanyo etc...
  4. N

    Supplementing HPS with UVB LEDs

    Good point. They don't seem to give fuck about anything. One of the reasons I try not to buy anything Chinese. Sometimes its unavoidable though when a lot of western companies make all their stuff there. When people buy cheap chinese copies they are shooting themselves in the leg IMO. When...
  5. N

    Supplementing HPS with UVB LEDs

    Doesn't look like they'll be reality in a long time due to insane prices. As chazbolin pointed out, any company selling an UVB panel to the public would probably get killed in court bacause sooner or later someone would ruin their eyes with them. One problem with pure UVB is that it's easy to...
  6. N

    Supplementing HPS with UVB LEDs

    True, it would be very daring to sell anyone a ready made product. If using UVB LEDs will be possible at some point its probably DIY only stuff. It's actually quite sad that people can't be held responsible anymore for their own actions. We are not children and can play with potentially harmful...
  7. N

    7150 watts in a single family home? too much...?

    It doesn't work that way. A 110/220 transformer generating 5A/220V on the secondary would need to draw 10A/110V +losses on the primary. Same amount of amps from your meter. No reduced risk of problems with authorities and no less load on your main fuses. What it would help with is getting the...
  8. N

    Supplementing HPS with UVB LEDs

    Though we're wandering even farther off topic I just got to ask.. Any opinion on these new Philips CDM-TMW bulbs? I'm seriously considering trying one out though they seem to need their own specific ballast and use a different socket. To me the spectre looks brilliant, and its efficient at...
  9. N

    Slapped a new cab together.....

    I find your cab quite stylish!
  10. N

    Noob move!!!! Help!!!

    Also I should warn you that many portables are prone to wetting their beds so putting something under it would be a good precaution to protect your flooring if something goes wrong. Also the air it blows can be very cold, 5-7C typically so it's best not directed straight toward your plants...
  11. N

    Noob move!!!! Help!!!

    Portable AC also exhausts air from the room, but only when the compressor is running (when it is actually cooling) so how much it extracts air is dependent on temps / heat load from lamps. One of the drawbacks of portables. I'd put a carbon filter to its exhaust. If you're not venting outside...
  12. N

    Supplementing HPS with UVB LEDs

    There are also huge differences between different brands. Just because something is labeled as 10.0 doesn't mean it's any good. It's just the proportion of UVB of the total radiant flux. "Useful light up to 20" away" is taken straight from tube seller's marketing and is irrelevant. Only thing...
  13. N

    Supplementing HPS with UVB LEDs

    Thanks for the links. They proved very useful as I did some homework. I think I'm all set now. Definitely have to get some D3+ tubes!
  14. N

    High Humidity In Drying Area- HELP PLEASE??- Thanks

    I'd run the dehumidifier too. It seems like the safest bet. Note that I'm not much of a grower/connoisseur though. More into the techy stuff :)
  15. N

    Supplementing HPS with UVB LEDs

    When I made the inquiry I asked for 300nm UVB specifically. The answer I got was something like "No problem, we can arrange any wavelength you want". The seller probably didn't have a clue what I was talking about and could not be bothered to find out. Funny how no one here had any problems...
  16. N

    Why was my electric bill so high?

    On every heater there is a label where you can read its power consumption. Also keep in mind that space heaters only use what they need to keep the house warm as they have thermostats. Once the desired temp is reached, the heater stops heating to turn itself on again when the temp drops again...
  17. N

    Why was my electric bill so high?

    For that bill you'd probably have to leave it on 24/7 with the door open and even that wouldn't necessarily be enough. If your meter has to be read manually it's a different story, it's not done every month usually. More like once a year. That way you get a balancing bill which can be that big...
  18. N

    Supplementing HPS with UVB LEDs

    O M F G ! Price tends to be the last thing I consider when I really want something, I thought I could stand the damage even if it's a month's pay. Terribly wrong. Turns out it would require a second mortgage. Also the guy who promised to make me one lost his cred as he clearly didn't know...
  19. N

    Supplementing HPS with UVB LEDs

    Hi all I'm a lazy poster but have lurked for some time. Most questions have already been asked so never needed to ask anything myself! I've been reading about UV light, and have set my mind on trying out supplementing my HPS with UVB. It seems that 300nm LEDs would be the most practical...
  20. N

    How to choose an led grow light.

    First poster here (though a long-time lurker). To OP: Thank so much for this info. Saved me some $$$ and a lot of hassle. Never got so much benefit from a single post!