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  1. N


    It stays in the 70s. Dont know about humidity.
  2. N


    Any advice?
  3. N


    Here is some pics if anyone can help.
  4. N


    So I have had my plants growing a little over three weeks and I added big bloom ( 1 1/2 Tsp) and the same of grow big. I have fox farm soil and mixed it with a gallon of water. Am I good? Some of these threads got me worried. I did it because my leaves are curling up and from what I read thats a...
  5. N

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guise. I just want to say im military and I support what you do. After all the drunk marines I see I know bud is a far better thing. I see alot of my friends on all this medication and they aren't the person I used to know. Keep strong guise I support you 110%
  6. N

    Never seen this.

    Fuck replace Johnson with jpg sorry.
  7. N

    Never seen this.

    wrote it down with my broken arm. Hope I got it right Lol.
  8. N

    Never seen this.

    Oh and no. One intake and out take with a little visible movement for stem strength. Stays about 75-80 in there to.
  9. N

    Never seen this.

    I'm sorry guys I just moved here so no internet. It's basically the leaves got a little crisp ( still green not real bad.) And it was fine after I raised the light for 2 days. An then I checked and it's leaning to the side like it's wilted but when I felt it it feels firm. I'm not here slot due...
  10. N

    Never seen this.

    Yea when the lights are on. Two big fans with lights. One little one at dark. It's all on timers.
  11. N

    Never seen this.

    Hope this works..All I have is my phone. http://imgur/18bkr
  12. N

    Never seen this.

    I'll go take some. All I got is a shitty phone but let's see what I can get.
  13. N

    Never seen this.

    So a while ago my leaves got a little dry. ( I'm only here on the weekends my girl takes care of them.) I raised the light up to about two feet (mh.) And today one of my plants just drooped to the side. The weird thing is it feels very healthy. I know I haven't been over watering and I am just...