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  1. Gamera00

    Hey guys, what do ya think?

    Well gotta be quick about it before ny wife sees what Im up to LOL But here they are in my little shabby excuse of a grow closet LOL Really wish I could get a good close up for ya tho :/
  2. Gamera00

    Hey guys, what do ya think?

    Hey there friends, well its been awhile I know but I have some really good news. Both plants are huge!!! lol 1 of them is about 31/2-4 ft tall now and the other is about 3 feet and really bushy. Lots of budsites too and those beautiful little white hairs are allll over lol. I never expected them...
  3. Gamera00

    First Order! from United States!?

    I didn't need to read past this little post you made here to know I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. For a 22 year old you sure seem pretty childish , I mean do you honestly think we care about your bank account? LOL Crash and burn dude, crash and burn!!! Oh and the name is Gamera00 not...
  4. Gamera00

    Somewhat new to growing, need opinion..

    I'd be glad to help ya out mate as I am also growing in a closet. Just need to know a few things: How many plants are you growing? What stage are they at? Are you using soil or hydro? What type of lighting are you currently using? What type of nutes are you planning to use? <I can point you to...
  5. Gamera00

    1st Signs Of Sex

    Wow!! Such insight!!! LOL
  6. Gamera00

    First Order! from United States!?

    Try tomatoes bro, cheaper to grow and you won't do any harm to our beloved seed banks. Hmmmm not only donuts but I think I smell BACON!!!
  7. Gamera00

    1st Signs Of Sex

    From what I have learned males usually show sooner then females, not always but usually. I personally have never used the 36hr dark period with my plants, always stuck to the 12/12 method, after I vegged them took about 2 weeks to show the lovely hairs. But what a nerve wracking 2 weeks it was...
  8. Gamera00

    Flowering With CFL's

    Hey bro, i am flowering with CFLs also and i have 12 CFLs for 2 plants. They are looking great at the moment, I wish i could show you but my crappy camera seemed to take a shit on me : ( But to be honest the more light the better, just my opinion from what i see with my plants : )
  9. Gamera00

    My Babies 1 inch tall!! Should i start feeding them???

    I'm not a hydro grower, I stay with soil but to be honest they are in a fragile state at that age. You may want to wait a few weeks before introducing any nutes, but by all means do your homework, keep checking the thread. There are many many more experienced growers then myself, just passing on...
  10. Gamera00

    where can i get good seeds

    I recently made a purchase from Dr Chronic and it was simply stress free. Im in the dirty dirty south and received my beans about 6 days after placing the order. In my opinion probably one of the best...
  11. Gamera00

    1st Signs Of Sex

    Aye, a lil small atm bro. Give it another week or two, like another member of this community once said "Females take a little longer to lift thier skirts" Wish you the best bro, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :D
  12. Gamera00

    questions about MOLASSES

    It is a good source of carbs witch is needed during flowering. You can purchase a carb nutrient but why spend the moolah when Mollasses will give you the boost you need. There are many many opinions out there, not everyone agrees but remember this man, its ultimately up to you. You are the one...
  13. Gamera00

    Is she growing ok??

    Pretty sweet looking bro, keep up the good work man!!!
  14. Gamera00

    A.M.S is here

    Thank you very much darkmatter, appreciate the info man. Best of luck in your future grows bro, I wish ya the best!!
  15. Gamera00

    Somewhat new to growing, need opinion..

    Oh yeah!!! Fish emulsion is great also, it won't burn your plants and is high in nitrogen. Great idea, sorry I forgot to add that lol:oops: I use it all the time too. Guess Im just gettin' old :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  16. Gamera00

    Seedlings are Dying??

    OOoooo, aluminum is not a good choice mate. Wont get proper reflection and also you will get hot spots. Shop around for a better reflective surface. If your tight on funds a plain white posterboard works pretty ok or just white walls will be fine. But a good Sunleaves Mylar would be your best...
  17. Gamera00

    to soon to flower

    Hey hey!! Congrats on the lovely lady mate!!! Sorry i been lagging behind, spending too much time out by the pool lol And not checking threads. Looks very very nice I'm happy fer ya. Keep up the good work!!!
  18. Gamera00

    Male or female? Pics included

    Hey there bro, just a couple things for ya here. For flowering you should be at a 12/12 cycle, 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to fool the plant into thinking its fall and forcing it to flower. The signs of being a female are pretty distinguishable. There will be literally 1 or 2...
  19. Gamera00

    no help on my threads why

    It almost as if people HAVE to answer you man, ehhhh crash and burn dude LOL
  20. Gamera00

    A.M.S is here

    Wow, simply stunning!!! I also have some AMS beans from Greenhouse and can't wait to get them started. I have 3 other females I need to wait on but as soon as they are finished it will be time for the AMS. Do you have any recommendations or tips that I should take into consideration for growing...