Seedlings are Dying??


Active Member
My seedlings are about 2 -3 inches tall. Some are doing ok, but others are not. Their leaves are wrinkled and deformed some with holes in them. The tips are also a bit yellow as well. What could this be, bugs, deficiencies? Please help!

They are in a started tray and i keep them outside and move them around to keep them in the sun. When it is cloudy i keep them under a fluorescence light in my basement with a thin shiny blnket to reflect light. The light doesn't get hot. Our house has ants in it and there are ants near the seedlings.


Well-Known Member
leave them outside, even if it's cloudy, the plants get more light from the sun than a floro light can give them, and it confuses the plants....... leave them in one spot also, all the moving around is stressing them out.


Active Member
Any other advice pertaining to my previous question would also be greatly appreciated. thanks,


Well-Known Member
We need more info. What type of soil, how often do you water, do you fertilize with, how often do you water, pH of the water, what size pot?


Active Member
We need more info. What type of soil, how often do you water, do you fertilize with, how often do you water, pH of the water, what size pot?

The soil is potting soil from wal-mart. I usualy keep the soil moist but let it dry out occasionaly. I fertilize with seed starter, i think from wal-mart again and follow the directions on the package, fertilize every 2 weeks.
They are over a month old but haven't really grown much the, however I will soon start with normal fertilizer. I am going to a plant nursery tomorow so if you have any advice on what to get it would be appreciated.

I don't know the pH of the water. Look at the pictures below for the size of the pot. The pictures are old but the plants are about the same size. One of the plants is doing good though but the other aren't. The picture was also taken before the holes started to appear, and you can kinda see the wrinkling/derforming of the leaves starting. Thanks for the help


Active Member
You can't really tell by the pictures but they are about 2-3 inches tall, even though they don't have much foliage. Iappreciate the help, thanks



Active Member
Another problem i have is that they are over a month old and have stopped growing. Should i keep them on 24hrs of light. I do not have a light scheldule right now but i think it is pretty constant give or take a couple hours.


Active Member
Like orecal're stressing them out movin in and out ,sunlight, florals let em be. good luck.p.s.a scedule wouldn't hurt.


Active Member
Not only is the moving around making em mad but its kinda early to even think about fertilizing them. You want to just give them water when they are so little, ferts will burn them badly and probably even kill em bro. If you have fertlized them then a flush is in order man, flush the plant with water till it pours out the bottom then leave em for awhile. Good rule of thumb is do not add any fertilizer for at least weeks after the lil ones pop up, they are too young for that right now. I hope this helped some and I wish you luck, the info I gave to you is from veteran growers that have helped me in my first grow and my lil ones (20 days into veg) are looking pretty good:mrgreen:


Active Member
Thanks for the advice! Mine are over a month old tho, slow growth. What fertilizer do you suggest once they get a bit older. 5 - 10 - 5 ratio??


Active Member
For grow/veg cycle you want higher in nitrogen so the numbers should be something like 5-1-1 witch is what my fish emulsion reads or 6-4-4 what my Fox farms Grow Big reads. Then when your ready to flower/bloom the nitrogen should be lower while the phosphate and potash are higher like in Tiger Bloom it reads 2-8-4. So rule of thumb higher in nitrogen for grow/veg cycle and lower in nitrogen for flower/bloom cycle. Good luck bro and keep us posted as to how your babes are doin' :mrgreen:


Active Member
-sorry to say it man, but the little ones look like their going to hit the shitter. Your biggest is looking good, though. What kind of seeds are you using? If you have anymore, i would say germ. them, and start some over the right way. Take the time to make a nice set-up, pick the right nutes, fans, reflectors, lights. You could make a nice CFL setup at home depot for less than $50. Just some food for thought.


Active Member
They are all about the same size, some i pinched the dead leaves off so they only have 1 set. None of them look to good except for one that looks really healthy, but is almost a bright green. Its growing still really slow. I agree, the others are not going to grow anymore.:cry: So now i am going to try to germinate about 15 more seeds. The seeds are pretty old, so i dont think i will get many more plants, 3-4 max probably. Wish me luck.


Active Member
Only a few seeds germinated, but im going to keep waiting. The seeds that germinted are now in soil but haven't sprouted. And the only healthy looking plant is starting to have brown spots. The bottom 4 sets of leaves are dying. But the top is really healthy.

The others that i thought were going to die look like indica because they have turned into a bush almost, still only a couple inches tall. The seeds i got were sativa and last year were only one stem.


Active Member
iv got a question from someone here....
my seedlings are about a week old, they have been living outside and then i bring them inside at night. anyway this whole week its gonna be rainnig so iv put them under 1 cfl ...iv made a dome where the light is in with aluminium foil around it for reflection. its about 6cm away from the seedlings. how do u think they will go ?


Active Member
They won't grow as fast as if they were in direct sun but they will be fine. Get another cfl for faster growth and you can get a shiny heat blanket to reflect light for a couple of bucks. With cfl you can get the light as close as you can without touching.


Active Member
iv got a question from someone here....
my seedlings are about a week old, they have been living outside and then i bring them inside at night. anyway this whole week its gonna be rainnig so iv put them under 1 cfl ...iv made a dome where the light is in with aluminium foil around it for reflection. its about 6cm away from the seedlings. how do u think they will go ?
OOoooo, aluminum is not a good choice mate. Wont get proper reflection and also you will get hot spots. Shop around for a better reflective surface. If your tight on funds a plain white posterboard works pretty ok or just white walls will be fine. But a good Sunleaves Mylar would be your best bet. Also theres a Sunleaves Ultreflect that is right proper. Oh and I almost forgot, you definatly going to need more light bro. Get yourself a few 26W 6500K CFLs, you can get them at Wal-Mart for about 7 dollars for a 2 pack, your babes will love you for it. Hope this may of been a little help to ya man and good luck:mrgreen::mrgreen:
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