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  1. old timer org

    Bodhi Seeds at the Attitude Seed Bank

    thanks man will go have a look now
  2. old timer org

    Bodhi Seeds at the Attitude Seed Bank

    So do we, we are torn to what to go for, if only bodhi did pick n mix singles, i bet by the time we settle on a strain they sell out lol has anyone grown the above with any input atall?
  3. old timer org

    Bodhi Seeds at the Attitude Seed Bank

    I was thinking the white lotus maybe the decent option thanks for you input anyone else? :)
  4. old timer org

    Bodhi Seeds at the Attitude Seed Bank

    Im also looking for advise before a spend out for seeds from bodhi for a friend, hes after a really heavy hitting couch lock type indica preferably a hashy berry type yeild of 2oz+ a plant? Out of the list below what do people think the best option is: Ancient OG Love Triangle Tigers Milk...
  5. old timer org

    Indica Strain/ Seed company advise neaded from forum members please

    Thanks to all that have helped in my search of strains, have really helped alot dellamore brilliant news! thank you for taking the time to post, i have checked out Reserva Privada strain you mentioned defiantly is one on the list now kandy kush sounds delicious :), skywalker kush also looks...
  6. old timer org

    Indica Strain/ Seed company advise neaded from forum members please

    thanks for the replies so far people, I should have mentioned it before but im going to use attitude to buy my seeds through, it was more of the different seed breeders i was unsure about, and unsure on what strain to go for. if anyone else can help me decide on some very high quality indica...
  7. old timer org

    Indica Strain/ Seed company advise neaded from forum members please

    Hi to all! As per title really. Some info: I have only ever really grown White rhino but is a X here in the uk we call it s8 rhino, I have no idea about its origins etc, its just that the cuttings are easily available to are area (its very hard to come by any other strain from cutting that...
  8. old timer org

    Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

    Thanks for your input also buddy Again as said above really the rep insists as its organic to use feed with every watering. When you say to get a decent run off, do you mean keep pooring water/feed in untill i see it dripping out the bottom of the pots?
  9. old timer org

    Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

    thanks for the reply ok considering the way i water with the next crop now, but feel watering a little everyday with feeds maybe be a better option, as if i see an issue i can act fast rather than waiting for the soil to dry before i can administer the correct 'medicine' etc yes i add plant...
  10. old timer org

    Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

    Yes every 24hours only small amounts tho, say 2 to 3 coffee mugs full say 1/2ltr each plant, I notice a lot of other people water every other day giving the plant lots say 2ltrs each plant, is this a better way of doing things?
  11. old timer org

    Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

    thanks for the reply So the probe types arnt really worth using then? I have read up on ph run off tests etc, but never carried out one myself, reasons being i dont want to over water/feed it. As i only usually give them small amounts every 24hours. If i carry out a ph run off test do i then...
  12. old timer org

    Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

    Currently have a ph meter but not one for soil is it worth using the ph meters with the metal probe that you put in the soil to see what the ph is? or are they not accurate enough? is it better to do ph run off test do you think? i no for sure my water is 7.3/7.4
  13. old timer org

    Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

    Does anybody else have any ideas what the problem is with the plant in the pics?
  14. old timer org

    Manganese Deficiency

    Im currenty treating a case of spider mite, and as suggested that looks very much like you have spider mite also, act fast there nasty little blighters, turn over the leafs shown in the pics and you should see them, i actuality nudged mine with a tip of a pen an watched them run away There...
  15. old timer org

    Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

    Have now fixed the pics so please feel free to view an give input peeps Hi buds thanks for the reply, thats the thing plant magic is made in my area, they are literally just up the road from me, its made for our water in the area ph of 7.4, and when asking the plant magic rep he said there is...
  16. old timer org

    Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

    Seems tiny pic had removed my pics will try and attach them again later
  17. old timer org

    Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

    Hi to all :) Firstly i would like to introduce my self my names Daz im from the sunny uk, and also a new memebr to the forum, i have been a longtime smoker but very new to the growing game, so i apologizes in advance for some noob questions that may sound silly, its all still new to me :) I...