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  1. S

    no crystals at 6 weeks flowering

    Wow.. So its going to be 10 weeks tomorrow. Time to chop her down. already i can feel the thinner stems to be hollow. To be honest this is all for personal consumption. As long as it helps me unwind at the end of a long day at the office, i'd say I did good. From the sample i took last...
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    Earl's No budget grow

    I know that feeling... lol sativa buzz ftw!!
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    Earl's No budget grow

    Yea those thin long leaves are a dead giveaway. Keep em tied down so you wouldnt have to get stress out when she really pushes upward. But looking good. What kinda nutes are you using?
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    Plant shrinkage

    Actually The lights are that way because my cabinet is too small. I got these 50w's without measuring stuff. Figured might as well use it for now. I will be getting a single 100W led for the next run. Is there a chance of fire? My lights on is at night. Lol i didnt think of that. They might be...
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    Usually I germinate my seeds using the paper towel method. This way I know for sure if there will be any bad seeds or not. Once the seeds show their tap root just take it and put it in one of those coco pellets and into some soil. Water lightly and occasionally till she pops up.
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    Plant shrinkage

    So just for comparison sake here are the before and after pix. Before is 17 Jan and after is 29 Jan. The burning leaves are for sure from being so close to the lights. Edit: BTW the after pic thats 2 main colas not just 1.
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    Cloning to determine sex and seed question

    T5's for cloning should be fine. I used CFL's and they were good too. As for the seed thing.... I havent read anything yet that can say if a seed is male or female or inbetween. You'll just have to try it out. Usually people veg from seed for a month, clip a clone and put it into flowering...
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    Plant shrinkage

    hahahahaha. thats the first thing that came to my mind. Damn cold shrinkage !!
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    Plant shrinkage

    So this is odd. past few weeks my buds have been bang against the led glass panel as I have no more vertical space. last night when lights came back on I noticed the 2 main buds are no longer touching the glass, rather just standing there. I am guessing there is some shrinkage. Tried googling...
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    fan speed control

    That vortex looks way too much like the S&P TD-Silent.
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    First time supercropping/mainlining (28F)

    Cool.. Weed is like people. They need support for they aching old backs. The older they get the more bend outta shape they get. lol
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    About to start my first time grow process. Indoor led 2x2x4.

    Exactly. Top once, you get 2 heads. cut those 2 you get four, cut those 4 you get 8 and so on... Kinda like the hydra creature. ofc for every topping you'll have to give her a week to recover.
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    Need Advice. Plant is too tall!

    90 degree bend on my clones. saved me a good 6 inches. Weed is a masochist plant. She loves the pain and torture. lol
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    Using General Organics

    lol. sales guys are like that. But atleast you learnt something new.
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    First time supercropping/mainlining (28F)

    You dont want the bud to get too heavy and then snap the branch, thats why i mentioned supporting her. Coz buds do get heavy and if unsupported could snap the stem. But it doesnt make a difference to the grow as such.
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    Using General Organics

    If you wanna use general hydro stuff follow lucas formula. Although I am doing it in soil, lucas formula is made for hydro. Results are nice to say the least.
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    First time supercropping/mainlining (28F)

    COuld have used some tomato cage / wiring. looks like she is spreading everywhere. With a little support around all the stems could stand upright.
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    About to start my first time grow process. Indoor led 2x2x4.

    Dude, With a 4 foot height box you might wanna grow some indica strains or atleast indica dominant ones. And you'll need to train her quite a bit. My 1 meter box is waaay too small for the plant i am growing. But i have no other choice so just going to carry on as is. Top the plant maybe 2...
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    cloning from a retard plant

    lol @ "BTW, it is not PC to call her retarded, we now refer to them as "connoisseur grade"."
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    Bud with no crystals???

    My current grow too barely had any crystals. Even posted here about it. Turns out its just a genetic thing. Some are as frosty as the snowman while others no much (like mine) Also some dont show any until late into flowering. I was able to sample an itty bitty piece (taken to scope it) and the...