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  1. smalltimebudtoker

    flowering with high humidity (but seems ok) advice please??

    hi guys, I have completely removed everything out of the room and only leaving the essentials in, I have the humidity down to 42% and going to a maximum of 50%,i am very happy at this moment buy I still would like to get it down a wee bit more :D
  2. smalltimebudtoker

    flowering with high humidity (but seems ok) advice please??

    hi, I 3-4 weeks into flowering my mj plants, I have really high humidity at 66-84%, I have removed my plants from the tent and are now in a room with a dehumidifier (not a cheap one) I have good air circulation and extraction.. the thing I cant get over is that I don't have any damp or water on...
  3. smalltimebudtoker

    in need of some advice please??? merry xmas :)

    hey 1djwesty, I have had to throw out some of my mj due to mold too, its not a nice feeling lol, I have looked around at dehumidifiers but I just don't have the cash atm hence buying the moisture traps :/ I am growing in a tent under a 600w hps, I have placed a mini radiator in the room with the...
  4. smalltimebudtoker

    in need of some advice please??? merry xmas :)

    hey guys and girls first of all merry Christmas :D, right, I have a problem with my humidity it varies between 70-80% and the temp lingers around 65-78 degrees, I am 3-4 weeks into flowering and I know that the humidity Is way to high, I have a 4 inch intake fan and a 5 inch extractor with a...
  5. smalltimebudtoker

    FLOWERING?? 12/12 for 2 weeks + pics if needed

  6. smalltimebudtoker

    FLOWERING?? 12/12 for 2 weeks + pics if needed

    hi guys and girls, my babies have been on 12/12 for over 2 weeks now and there are no signs of buds forming? is this right? I have recently had overwatering and underwatering problems but my babies are now doing fine, is it possible for this to set back the flowering period? 20 ml of bio...
  7. smalltimebudtoker

    overwatered or underwatered?? light green/yellow pics

    yeaaaaaah I will hold back on the super drive! I didn't think such a lil amount can cause so much harm!! hey im a newbie and I have learnt the hard way, im going to my hydro shop first thing to get some nitrogen I hope things start looking up
  8. smalltimebudtoker

    overwatered or underwatered?? light green/yellow pics

    hmmm ok ok, ill have to buy some ph up,, with all the nutes mixed up, bio bloom and magnesium and nitrogen should I aim for the 6.0-6.5 ph level?? I think I will spray on the magnesium and nitrogen and pour in the bloom fert, what do you recommend? thanks
  9. smalltimebudtoker

    overwatered or underwatered?? light green/yellow pics

    I have some canna magnesium will this be any good?? but the only thing is when I measured the ph of it mixed in the water it read below 4.0?? is this a worry or does it not affect it?
  10. smalltimebudtoker

    overwatered or underwatered?? light green/yellow pics

    what nitrogen products are there? does it come as a ready mixed formula (whole feed) or wha??
  11. smalltimebudtoker

    overwatered or underwatered?? light green/yellow pics

    yes bud I do, that was the first thing I did with them...
  12. smalltimebudtoker

    overwatered or underwatered?? light green/yellow pics

    hi all, here are my babies looking ill, recently overwatered but then dried out and fed,,possible heat stress??? any bit of help will be greatful .... 12L buckets--in soil--PH 6.5 ish--2x 600w hps 2 and half weeks into flower, 1 ml of superdrive,10ml bio bloom, API PROPER PH 6.5 10 litres of water
  13. smalltimebudtoker

    ph what???? help needed please

    sorry bud I am using soil, I have recently over watered too
  14. smalltimebudtoker

    ph what???? help needed please

    hi guys /girls I have a question for all who can help... right.. my ph level is 6.5 because I am using PROPER PH 6.5 Iwhich I bought from pets at home lol,,I have also bought some canna ph down bloom and have done some testing with that which gives a ph reading of 4.0, which is too low what can...
  15. smalltimebudtoker

    possible powdery mildew....

    thanks opm.... It should be sorted now xD
  16. smalltimebudtoker

    possible powdery mildew....

    thanks bud,, your tellin me me man!! its a complete ball ache when something goes wrong, yes the money is a major issue with these babies but watching them grow up and for summat to go wrong is the biggest killa of all!!! well fingers and toes crossed all as good now and no slip ups to occur, I...
  17. smalltimebudtoker

    possible powdery mildew....

    cheers bud,i will go and buy another fan in the morning , ive only got a small one, I have repotted my babies into 12l buckets with decent size drainage holes, i started off using a 600w hps to begin flower but, it wasn't producing enough heat,which kept leaving loads and loads of food/water at...
  18. smalltimebudtoker

    possible powdery mildew....

    hi guys I have recently had some problems with my grow,1st overwatering and slight root rot and rootbound and now a case of powdery mildew..i have some deep impact deep clean will this help clear it up??? peace
  19. smalltimebudtoker

    in need of some advice please help?? :(

    i am going to buy one this week,maybe ill sleep in the sme room :L
  20. smalltimebudtoker

    in need of some advice please help?? :(

    would you say the colour pixation would be from overwatering too?