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  1. J

    male ?

    If you are able to watch it closely you don't have to kill it pointlessly. You can wait for the pollen sacks to start to expand and before they burst open pull the plant, and than you can collect the pollen and apply it with a paintbrush to select budding spots. The end result will be seeds only...
  2. J

    I have a oddly (i hope damaged leave) but is it a dissease maybe? Picture inside.

    The browning on the tips is likely from the ec being too high as you suspected, I would bet money on the damage on the leaf coming from a drop of some chemical and the combination of light and that chemical is to blame.
  3. J

    Steer Clear of HTG Supply.

    I love HTG, they are only a few miles from me and have great prices. The customer service has been fantastic every time I go there and I have only had a problem with a single ballast I bought from them ( out of 60). With the one problem I had the manager even met me at the shop on a Sunday when...
  4. J

    Humboldt Earth

    I personally don't use it but I have a friend that loves it. After using it for a couple grows he switched from root organics and hasn't switched back. From what I hear the nutrients in the soil carry the plant about a week longer without extra nutrients needed than root organics did for him. I...
  5. J

    what can i use to keep caterpillars from eating my plants...i just had 3 plants die

    Bacillus thuringiensis it will almost always be labeled "BT" in bigger letters than the name though if you can find the pure soluble powder in Colombia. If you can't find the pure product it is likely to be a part of other organic garden pest sprays but won't be the same strength. If you find BT...
  6. J

    Black light ballast??

    If the energy needs and the connectors match than it will work just fine, keep in mind that it could void any warranty though.
  7. J

    Help with my Grow Tent

    For the flaps vents on the tent you can always build a light box with baffles that stop the light but allows for air movement, this will take away any concerns with light leaks.
  8. J

    Premixing nutrients

    Thanks for the reply, I am debating on going with a similar method or paying my brother some cash (since he just lost his job) and forcing him to do all the work. I have seen him cook and he overdoes everything so if I make him mix the nutrients I will have to get measuring cups that are the...
  9. J

    Premixing nutrients

    I am getting ready to go on a 14 day vacation and have my brother taking care of the grow, I am wondering if anyone has experience (good or bad) premixing a nutrient tea this far ahead, I normally mix the night before in a 5 gallon bucket with an air-stone using the root organics buddha line. I...
  10. J

    Best state to sell to dispensaries. Medical state least marijuana arrests

    A few correct points on Colorado Dispensaries 1. They only have to grow 70% of their product 2. The remaining 30% is usually bought to provide additional variety, many dispensaries sell this as private stock at a higher cost 3. Because edibles and concentrates are rarely produced by the...