Search results

  1. F

    The NEVER ENDING Dynagro Bloom search

    Trust me I cant wait to see it myself! Ive asked so many people so many different questions and did soo much research and I think I am ready all I need to do now is go to a few local stores to pick up some goodies and test my box to see what temperature its at before I start!
  2. F

    The NEVER ENDING Dynagro Bloom search

    Thanks.. If I feel like if they need nutes I will just go at 100 ppm but I think I will see how they do without nutes since about 4 people told me so far that they don't need nutes. It makes sense that they wouldn't because the endosperm feeds it until those "dummy leaves" take over. You and...
  3. F

    The NEVER ENDING Dynagro Bloom search

    Hey guys, I been searching the web now for quite some time and I give up! Could any EXPERIENCED grower who grows with coco coir (I specifically have cocotek) tell me how much Dynagro Bloom + CalMag(Made for hydro) to use for a SEEDLING. I am scared to death to nute burn my seedling but after I...
  4. F

    One QUICK question!

    I dont think I am quite understanding what you are trying to say. If I mix it with water then test it wouldn't it depend on how much I put in the water for the results? Lol I was waiting for someone to start gassing on him about not knowing the difference between autos and photos. :) Glad to...
  5. F

    One QUICK question!

    ...No? lol Auto flower= AUTOmatically FLOWERs. Photoperiod= you have to induce flowering. ie: Changing light cycle to 12/12 I dont have a tester :( If I do get one do I just stick it in the straight 100% nute and see what its at? My nute...
  6. F

    One QUICK question!

    I think for my first grow I will take it slow and see when my plant needs to be fed. I just thought of something... What if I just fed the plant water and the next day the cotyledons start turning yellow and the plant wants to be fed. Do I wait untill its time to feed or what?
  7. F

    One QUICK question!

    Thanks... I am getting my CalMag from a hyrdoponics store so as long as it says its for hydro I should be good right?
  8. F

    Just a couple easy questions!

    Ok first 50f is toooo low! Secound do you have a PH meter? That would help alot to diagnose problems. You will know when your plant needs nutes because the cotyledons will start to turn yellow so if you not sure I would recommend feeding too little then too much.
  9. F

    One QUICK question!

    My medium is coco coir..................................... The only thing I was wondering was if I can feed it bloom while it was vegging if it needed it
  10. F

    One QUICK question!

    Hey I just had a quick question that I been looking around for for quite some time. I was planning on growing an autoflower plant and use Dynagro bloom for the nute throughout the whole grow. Now everything's changed because I was offered some free seeds but they are photoperiod seeds. Long...
  11. F

    3 Word Story

    nutella while riding
  12. F

    2 Girls, 1 Cup - WITH HAIR

    Swear? So I should be good with growing 2 in a 2 gallon pot! :D Are you liking the whole growing 2 in 1 pot experience?
  13. F

    2 Girls, 1 Cup - WITH HAIR

    How big is the pot your growing 2 in? I plan on doing an auto flower grow and I wanted to grow 2 plants in 1 pot to save some space.
  14. F

    2 Girls, 1 Cup - WITH HAIR

    This just made me lol
  15. F

    Dealzer Grow Box

    You are being completely and totally ignorant here.. Maybe if you'd get off that damn "Dealzer" website. I guarantee you there is no dealz on that website lol. Try looking around a bit more on the forums and on websites other than!
  16. F

    PC grow help.

    For an auto flower with CFL's I would get 2 2500k for every 1 6500k cfl.. So for example if you want 6 lights in there get 4 2500k cfls and 2 6500k cfls.
  17. F

    Dealzer Grow Box

    Fire Suppression and Lighting choices: I don't know anything about the material for that box and if you cant figure it out then I would place it somewhere where it has the least chance of burning down the house maybe somewhere elevated by metal? Hydro System: Theres a box at the bottom that...
  18. F

    I need some input from experienced growers

    and PS to anyone reading I know what to do and what I want to do now so thanks for all the help! I'd delete the thread but quite honestly I have no clue how haha!
  19. F

    I need some input from experienced growers

    I stated that the picture was an EXAMPLE of how I wanted my lights
  20. F

    Stealth Cab Grow - Seeking YOUR Opinion!

    Oh ok I feel it... GL on everything