Search results

  1. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    I never posted my results. Probley because ever since I chopped Ive been getting stoned around the clock. I ended up with around 3 oz's of some extremely dry and bushy weed. Not what I was going for, the grow rooms temp would go above 95F which fucked up my end result. Anyways this is what I...
  2. SkateCrazed

    Winter Problems.

    walmart sells small room heaters that have a simple thermostat for like $15 dollars it has a small red light that could be easily blacked out with tape and that would easily keep the temps in your box.
  3. SkateCrazed

    Trichome Cloudy to Amber timeline

    good to know. cutting these plants is gonna be sweeter than christmas.
  4. SkateCrazed

    Trichome Cloudy to Amber timeline

    Is there a rough timeline from all trichomes being cloudy to turning amber? All of mine are cloudy and I am shooting for a 50/50 mix. 9 week bagseed your first grow is like your first marriage you dont know what the fuck you got into, thats how I've felt this whole proces but also rewarding.
  5. SkateCrazed

    Will it smell?!2 females.Need help!!

    High Tech Garden Supply depending on the size of your tubing and inline fan.
  6. SkateCrazed

    Will it smell?!2 females.Need help!!

    I have six females 9 weeks into budding and I vent out through my furnace room which goes directly into my neighbors living room. They dont smell anything and have no idea youll be fine if your parinoid get a carbon filter I only have a few days left and smell wasnt a problem. Youll be fine.
  7. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    I just checked the trichomes on the plants and there all cloudy so its getting close. I am going for the 50/50 cloudy amber mix so I am wondering if there an average time between all cloudy to a mix? I've over shot by a week already when I thought theyd be finished. I started flushing a few...
  8. SkateCrazed

    Light Reflectors?

    any local hydro shop should carry basic open air reflectors. although i would reccommend ordering online through for what your looking for. this is an example of what i am talking about your picture looks more like your looking to put a CFL bulb.
  9. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    I am not sure when to pick these they look like they got some time on them still. A couple look like they will be finished in a week or so but others look like they need several more weeks, is that normal to have plants spread out like that. Also looking for a good way to make hash, bubblebags...
  10. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    Just an update with some pictures. The bulb i got from htgsupply burnt out within 2 months as good as everything was the bulb quality disappointed me had to run on fluros for 2 days but up and running again with a new 400 w hps for $35. Its getting close to being christmas morning.
  11. SkateCrazed

    400 W Hps light problem please help asap

    how long had you been using it for? and how did you go about getting it replaced?
  12. SkateCrazed

    400 W Hps light problem please help asap

    the bulb continually goes out now so that clears up my problem i believe it was a 400 w hps from htgsupply and ive only ran it about 2 months 1 24/7 and 1 12/12 is it normal for them to die that quickly it was the cheap growbright bulb. i just wanna be able to narrow it down as much as i can so...
  13. SkateCrazed

    400 W Hps light problem please help asap

    I am hoping someone can address my problem here because I am stumped. I have about 3 weeks left of flowering and just noticed that my hps light turns on and runs till it gets going and once its bright goes right out. I quickly unplug it and let it cool for 15 and plug it back in and it runs...
  14. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    so i let it cool off for only like five minutes the time and plugged it back in it started up and once it got to full force i was in the room at the time it just clicked off again the light nothing else goes... whats going on here is it the bulb? i dont see how if itll turn on.
  15. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    my light has been going out for some reason ive caught it twice now. my light turns on at 8 and by 8:30 its out for some reason and all you can hear is the light trying to turn on. after i let it cool off i plug it in again and it goes for the rest of the 12 hours. i dont know whats going on...
  16. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    how would i tie it in a curly cue? i understand the principle but not the method.
  17. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    my advice: make sure you keep light proper distance away or your plants will really stretch like these.
  18. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    i swear when your doing a grow theres something to do everyday besides watering. theres always something to fix or improve. anyways, things are going alright i cant get my light any higher and plants are pretty much touching so now thats something else to work on. all have buds and i am pretty...
  19. SkateCrazed

    fucked by hermies

    so i started with 7 female plants that all but 2 have hermied.. i realize there must be something wrong with my room and i am really bummed but what i can do to continue with the grow and get the best bud possible i am not going to risk chopping the hermies and having only 2 females that still...
  20. SkateCrazed

    Hermie Questions

    So I had 7 pre-flowered females and two of which have hermied.... they have the seeds showing and the bud popping out. my question is what should i do with them, have they gone to far that the are going to polenate the other females? should i just kill them now? whats the cause of hermies...