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    Illinois - Bill Status of HB0030

    Thanks for commenting. I fully agree. Click the link in the op, scroll down. Another ammendment has been added, yesterday, so my guess is the vote will take another week or so. It will pass eventually, especially now that the republican house minority leader Tom Cross is on board. This...
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    Illinois - Bill Status of HB0030

    Recently Illinois did not pass the bill giving farmers the right to grow industrial hemp (used for textiles, paper, oils, rope clothing, etc). Even if they had passed it, the DEA would have to authorize and give individual permits to farmers (something along these lines), and that would never...
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    Illinois - Bill Status of HB0030

    It's not over yet... Lou Lang upholds his promise to keep pushing on.... And a favorable amendment to the maximum allowed to posses. Latest News
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    25 dollar air scrubber :}

    How well is this working for you? How many layers of carbon did you use? How loud is this fan? How big of an area/plant # does this scrub? Nice job and +rep!!
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    Nirvana White Rhino Smoke/Grow Report

    Sweet juicy buds Batman! Looks great :) A couple ?'s for you, if you don't mind. - What is the average height from seed? From clone? - Veg time before the flip? - How similar/dissimilar were each plant you grew from seed? ( I don't want to grow out a ton of seeds to find a good mother) - Did...
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    Wiring S&P 200 8" Inline Fan

    Anyone know what the db is on these fans?
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    My DIY Revolving Tent Garden

    Nice setup you have there:joint: How well does your 4" inline duct fan work with Zenmaster's DIY Walmart Carbon Filter? I assume it is this fan : How loud is it? How far away from the cab can you hear it? I am thinking about getting one of these fans to exhaust my entire cab through one...
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    My second CFL Grow- White Dwarf & purple bagseed

    I have read that hermy plants produce hermy seeds. I.E. a never ending line of hermy plants.
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    I think my lady is having hot flashes - pics included

    She is still yellowing, more pics tomorrow, I hope. During flowering, I know leaves yellow a bit, but do they completely fall off/come loose from the stem, from the bottom up?
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    I think my lady is having hot flashes - pics included

    Could it be that I am feeding with every watering? I just used straight h2o this time around...
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    I think my lady is having hot flashes - pics included

    Actually it's covered in duct tape
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    I think my lady is having hot flashes - pics included

    This is my first grow and I'm just trying to get the feel of things. I'm not looking for anything impressive, just a learning experience. My lady is yellowing from the bottom up. I have looked around and have not seen much that resembles what I have going on. I am thinking she is getting too...