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    First Ever Hydroponics Grow. Help?

    You don't even need the paper towel. Just put it in a cup of some room temperature water, then put it somewhere very dark, possibly covering it so that it's totally dark. Come back a day later and the seeds should float to the bottom of the cup (you might need to tap it, since sometimes it gets...
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    What's this on my plant? Where's the bud growing? (Pics)

    I don't think fake flowers would hide it. It was growing about an inch higher every day. At that rate, in a couple months it would be way too huge. Since it's still growing, I'm not worried.
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    Help me!! My plant wont grow! Im a noob!

    They're types of lightbulbs. CFL = compact fluorescent HID = high intensity discharge You force a plant to flower by using light timers to cut down the amount of light from a cycle of 16+ hours of light a day to 12 hours of light a day. If it's outdoors, you just wait until autumn.
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    Help me!! My plant wont grow! Im a noob!

    Because he already has it, it works, and the only real difference is that he wouldn't have to move the CFLs as often, if ever. If it's cold indoors, a little bit of heat might also be good for the plant.
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    What's this on my plant? Where's the bud growing? (Pics)

    At first I thought it might be lint. I brushed my finger across it (I didn't want to do that, but after careful deliberation!!) and it's growing out of the leaf. I've been doing this for a few months now and I've read a ton of stuff. At the bookstore, they have a bunch of books I looked through...
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    Help me!! My plant wont grow! Im a noob!

    The heat lamp is okay just so long as he keeps it at a proper distance and moves it regularly, so he doesn't burn the plants.
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    Help me!! My plant wont grow! Im a noob!

    I am a first-time grower too and I had a similar problem: The bottom leaves just kept dying. The damage was very small, though, and my plant kept growing strong. So, I just pruned the bottom leaves when it looked like they had no chance of healing. Since then it's still been growing strong...
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    What's this on my plant? Where's the bud growing? (Pics)

    Yes, they're all on leaves. My photos weren't that great, so I decided to draw a picture. Here's a drawing of the first one: Here's a drawing of the second one: What are those things? As I said, I think the third one (didn't draw a picture) is just a trichome... LOL, mutation? Do you mean...
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    What's this on my plant? Where's the bud growing? (Pics)

    Bump, so that it's back up top
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    Indoor dirt pests?

    The pics look gross because they're high magnification. Without zooming in, they look more like this: (a whole bunch of them) If they're that small, yeah it's an aphid. If it was just one, I wouldn't worry about it. They can get inside.
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    Indoor dirt pests?

    It was probably an aphid. Did it look like this? They're a little bit smaller than a tic-tac and sometimes you can see if they laid eggs on your plant by looking underneath the leaves. The types of indoor pests probably depends on where you live. But anyway, I'm curious about this too. I...
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    What's this on my plant? Where's the bud growing? (Pics)

    I brought my plant in from outside and I'm somewhat in anticipation of having my plant flower. But I don't know where it's supposed to start. I don't even know the difference between the "flower" and the "bud," if there is any. So, I've been looking really closely at my plant, to see anything...
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    Proper pruning?

    What is RIU, the cola, and the canopy? I assume the canopy are the leaves on the top? I forgot to mention: The plant is outdoors. It's about 16 inches high and it's not flowering yet (I'm letting it grow as high as possible before flowering it).
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    Proper pruning?

    The bottom of my plant isn't doing so good. I know that the plant is doing good overall, because it is fairly bushy, stands upright (no wilting), is very green, and has strong growth. Everyday, it gains about 1 to 3 inches in height. It also gets stinkier day by day. :mrgreen: However, the...
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    Does Piss Help Your Plant Grow?

    It contains a variable amount of nitrogen, depending on your weight and diet. Because it's not accurate and also because urine is very acidic, you should really just buy some plant food. Besides, who the hell wants to smoke a J off of a plant they know was pissed on?
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    First time grower: How's my plant look? (pics)

    About a month, I think.
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    First time grower: How's my plant look? (pics)

    Here you go: It's not clear from the picture, but it's gotten hurt in some areas. The "baby leaves" (the first two, I forget their name) died, I think due to lack of sunlight because the bigger leaves covered them. There's one tiny brown spot on one leaf and one tiny hole (insects??) on...
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    Should I make my plant flower? (And also, how?)

    Will there be the same amount of buds, though?
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    Should I make my plant flower? (And also, how?)

    According to this website: Marijuana and Cannabis Vegetative Stage of Growing | Vegetative Growth of Pot, Weed, and Cannabis Plants Flowering is done by either waiting 'til the autumn or cutting its light short with an indoor grow light. My question: I have an outdoor plant. The guide there...
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    lemon juice and baking soda

    I don't think you just want to use something like that, because it might poison your plants or it won't actually adjust the soil -- just burn the plant. To lower the PH of your soil, use agricultural lime or dolomite. To raise the PH of your soil, use sulfur, iron sulfate, or aluminum sulfate...