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  1. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    just thought I'd share an update with everyone's help I looked everywhere online reading what it could have been none of them said copper deficiency so I corrected the issue and got results Thanks!
  2. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    Yeah maybe ill flush with 2 gallons each I get good run off with 1 each but maybe it wasn't enough Ill try that tonight thanks
  3. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    Yeah maybe ill flush with 2 gallons each I get good run off with 1 each but maybe it wasn't enough Ill try that tonight thanks
  4. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    Thank you verry much. I have some old foxfarm tiger bloom and grow big I used before going completely organic they both have copper you think its ok to start with that until I have time to go to the hydro shop?
  5. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    Copper d as in too much or too little? I do remember seeing a copper line feeding my water supply although it is RO water
  6. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    here are a few more lights just turned on should I try doing feed water feed water back to back instead of letting it dry out for a day?
  7. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    here is another and every nug is that way weather or not its directly under the light
  8. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    I feed 1 day water the next skip a day feed water skip a day I did let them dry out an extra day about a week ago but they were This way before I did that. And for the light the closest nug is about 6 inches
  9. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    And I can upload more in about an hour
  10. Toneloke619

    21 days flowering today need help

    This is my third grow different strain. There are nugs growing and pistils but the pistils are curled verry short and browning. Supposedly I have white widow and blue dragon 2 of each. Each one in a 5 gallon smart pot using roots organic original soil and the whole line of roots organic...
  11. Toneloke619

    To Flush or Not to Flush

    I over water when its not feeding time to where water comes out of the bottom of the pot and runs down the bath tub and no I dont do it say every time BUT I will do it often to prevent nutrient lock up or build up why get to that point? It doesen hurt it it can only prevent bad things from...
  12. Toneloke619

    Is my crop ready or not?

    You got it thanks everyone!
  13. Toneloke619

    Is my crop ready or not?

    here are a few more pics.
  14. Toneloke619

    Is my crop ready or not?

    i flushed 2 times this week today being the 2nd time should i still give nutes and if so when will i start the full on flush
  15. Toneloke619

    Is my crop ready or not?

    6 weeks in
  16. Toneloke619

    Is my crop ready or not?

    so this is my first gro and it soo close to harvest I can taste it! I need your help since I am a "noob". I am wondering if it is time to harvest! I have pictures and will show you any input as fast as possible would be great! I am thinking with the milky trics and orange pistles with the...
  17. Toneloke619

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    so this is my first gro and it soo close to harvest I can taste it! I need your help since I am a "noob". I am wondering if it is time to harvest! I have pictures and will show you any input as fast as possible would be great! I am thinking with the milky trics and orange pistles with the...
  18. Toneloke619

    5 of 6 are Hermies Help!

    Could it have been the stress from lolipoping? We did that saturday and today (Monday) is when I noticed the sacks.