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  1. A

    Problems with ph dropping rapidly?

    I'm growing in an aeroponic system and have been for about two years now.. I've always had awesome results but this time around the ph in my resevoir is dropping rapidly overnight.. I try to keep the water around 5.8 but it has been dropping to as low as 3.8 in a short time. I use the generic ph...
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    First grow, 8 weeks into flower

    When growing in dirt I've found that its best to flush then for at least 10 days.. Once I see my trichomes are about 10 to 20 percent amber I begin flush.. Lets say the plant is in a 5 gal bucket.. I put the plant ontop another 5 gal bucket and run 5 gallons though it until it stops running...
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    Humidity problems

    I'm having issues with high humidity in my basement grow.. I have a dehumidifier and it definately helps but also heats my room up as it runs.. I was curious if anyone knew any tricks?
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    In need of bug advice, got some pics

    I wouldn't really worry about that.. I agree with hexthat I don't think those are mites.. The plant is outside and taking on the elements I'd say it's from bugs and the weather.. No worries man if it's outside your gonna get bugs
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    1 Problem And 1 Question

    I just had an issue with mites and found a good solution.. Water. The black spots you see may be the adult mites and their poop while the clear or white ones are typically the baby mites.. If you spray the plant completely with water for five to six days you will drown the adults and kill the...
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    What are my leaves telling me? Help quick D;

    Looks like nitrogen Difficiency to me.. Try feeding them nutes even tho the soil has it.. The plants may just need more because of the buds forming