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  1. J

    Smoking marijuana ,,, :( harmful??

    Ahhh, the irony. The weed will assuage the chemo effects of the malady it caused.
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    Hiding money any ideas?

    I try not to be judgemental on anyone but hiding your money is disingenuous (dumb). First: If you want to hide it, put in in a safe deposit box. No one will know. If you do hide it it will become worth less and less each year due to inflation. Your money needs to grow, that is, earn interest...
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    Not an electrician... Dimmer to fan?

    Use a fan speed control switch instead of a light dimmer. Safer- fan will last longer. Same place (Lowes or HD), couple bucks more. Buy an ext cord and junction box at the same time. Wiring instructions will be on the control switch directions.
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    I need advice fast.

    03SALEEN: Jesus ain't so bad but keep things in perspective. You had an anxiety attack. The fact that you've had one means that you may have another, especially with the level of stress you're under. They don't kill you. It may not seem like it now; but some day you'll look back on this as...
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    Question - Plant Physiology

    That's part of it , Barrelhse. I don't think it chooses certain leaves although the ones furthest upstream (read lowest) seem to be affected first. But in the case of overzealous feeding, do the yellowing leaves, by absorbing some of the overdose, actually help. And therefore should stay until...
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    Grow Room: Spend my 3k. Winner gets prize

    spadegolf07-- You seem like an intelligent guy and are asking the right questions. 30+ plants w/ 3 guys on the middle floor of a 3 story apartment suggest to me that you are underestimating the risk. In my state that's presumptive prison time. No offense though, I wish you luck. But have a plan B.
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    yellowing of leaves

    Interesting dilemma here. When does ones opinion that is so utterly devoid of civility and so totally lacking in repect and so offensively filled with hate (and evidently self-loathing) that it overcomes any right to free speech in any forum at any time? Not sure what the...
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    Question - Plant Physiology

    I've probably learned more about growing from others problems than I could ever hope to learn on my own. That's why I don't get tired of the "Help, my leaves are yellow" posts and praise the patience and experience of those who answer them. But I've been wondering (and this question pertains...
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    VENTING PROBLEM (pics) !!!!

    You need to draw in fresh air. Cut a hole in your grow box thats equal to one and one half the size of your exhaust hole. Might have to do a little math- heh, heh
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    VENTING PROBLEM (pics) !!!!

    How big are your intake and exhaust holes?
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    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    My understanding is that hair follicle testing can detect drug use up to a year, certainly for 6 months. That's why it's the gold standard for testing. The trace is in the root of your hair so if you take drastic measures don't forget arms, legs, pubics, toes (ha-ha, in my case it would be the...
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    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    You need to talk to the pros. Consult with an attorney as to what your rights and options are if you test positive. Best of luck.
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    Passing a Drug Test

    korvette and greenpriest024 are right on. You need to increase your metabolism. If this is really important to you, do the following: Exercise- Cardio and strength. Keep it light if you have been sedentary. Walk every day gradually building up to a light jog for at least 30 minutes. Do some...
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    how important is drainage? + transplanting help(quick reply please)

    You want some kind of amendment, not only for drainage, but to keep the soil loose. You want the roots to spread and expand easily. Organic matter will work, just so its loose and airy.
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    Miracle Grow.

    I've been growing fruits and vegetables outdoors for 30 years and used mostly MG with excellent results. This is my first pot grow (indoor) and the plants are flourishing. I started with a commercial potting soil; they're all good. After 3 weeks I fertilized every 3 waterings w/ 25% for a couple...
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    They're all gone!!!!

    Have patience, my friend. If you locate your plants, leave them be. Let the others take the risk. Then, when they are close to harvest....
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    look what i found!

    When I lived in Chicago my co-worker and I would walk to the same restuarant every day, same route down an alley paralell to Cicero. One day I noticed a very healthy pot plant growing next to the fence a good 3 foot tall! Keep in mind it's summer, in Chicago and dozens if not hundreds of people...
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    HELPFUL diagram for everyone!!

    ditto: nice. I'm still trying to get my head around the tactics of LST. I've been lst'n the twins but now there's no more room to open the plant up. Still not sure how to recognize a bud sight either but I think they look good. Can someone point me to any instructions on how to post a photo...
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    Veg outdoor - Flower in

    skatterman420-- Thanks. I probably wasn't clear, I meant to mean that I would start the 12/12 immediately but it would be 2 hrs artificial light and remainder natural light for 2 days and so on. Easing them into the artificial light environment. I've also read of gradually reducing the light...
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    Veg outdoor - Flower in

    nikka-- I LST'd my plants from tips I learned on this site. From a distance they are barely noticeable, low and bushy. Mix in a couple pots of geraniums and you're well disguised. My prob is I'm going to have some work done on the house. royalnut-- Pretty sure they're she based on pics I've...