yellowing of leaves


New Member
This is a picture for a series im doing for hightimes,I cant post the origonal because I make money doing this shit. oh yea you can buy new mason jars at a wallmart instead of burning candlewax out of some jar(the stupidits thing ive heard noob write besides the post on sex while high). For a guy whos new to growing and grows under cfls your quick to give a diogonist of someone elses plant problems. You dont know shit noob, you picked the wrong fight this time buddy you came to a gun fight with a putty knife. I train niggers like you daily on how to unfuck you crop, only if your mom would have closed her leggs that night she wouln not of gave birth to a wigger who grows out of 7 gallon grandmaw post under clf's in his moms attic. I fell sorry more for her , her dipshit son who thinks hes black, cant even grow weed and he acts like hes the roll it up forums most popular keep on keeping on noob ill shred a little deeper if you want more exposure, dont quit your day job chump cheers mate



Well-Known Member
i dont call your posts advice, not the advice i would want anyways. you spend more time mouthing off than helping. again my point from earlier.
i`m unscribed, got no time for this sand box


Well-Known Member
noob.... you need to learn how to spell before you run your little dick sucker off on the web.My dad showed me how to grow but that's neither here nor there. Is this a game for you noob? I bet you grow reg seeds and tell everyone its white rhino but they all know your a liar "mask boy'. Then you wonder why my shit cant dry properly? Thats because you dont know proper drying techneques.(its all about "re-wetting" thats when you dry the bud untill the bud becomes brittle, but the stem will still be flexable. you then put it 'crispybud-wet stem" in a zip lock baggie and the rest of the moisture in the stem dissapates throughout bud to produce a uniform moisture in the bud with a stem that will snap). Thats where most growers have problems they either dry the plant to a crisp, or put that half crisp wet stem weed in a bag for a week and then wonder why it smells like moldy grass clippings, and why I can make a bowl last 20 hits mate! Your shits gay and you have no right giving advice with some shitty grom plants on a shitty first grow with a shitty first dry in a cardboard box.Did my comment upset you? did I hurt your mispelled feelings? awww.... take another hit and calm down. cheers? is that what fags say now a days ah? The fact of the matter is that your a looser looking for answers, because you dont know anyone that grows good pot. If you did you would give some half way decent advice, how you gona say a plant has a nut def at that stage you fucking stupid fagot! I dont ask questions I give limited advice to stupid fuck heads like you on how stupid your shit looks and what you can do to fix it. You dont know shit about dogs and you think your cezar from the dog wisper you dick wad. You can see my shit on hightimes fag. ive built more grow rooms than you've grom plants. Im calling your shit out to the whole inernet noob your a joke this guy thinks he knows but he has no idea, someone help the noob out give the guy a good rating hes in a contest or something. tell your mom I said hi and hopefull she woulnt have to blow a bus full of mexicans to get a quater bag of swag for 45 a quater because she like getting ripped off.
This is a picture for a series im doing for hightimes,I cant post the origonal because I make money doing this shit. oh yea you can buy new mason jars at a wallmart instead of burning candlewax out of some jar(the stupidits thing ive heard noob write besides the post on sex while high). For a guy whos new to growing and grows under cfls your quick to give a diogonist of someone elses plant problems. You dont know shit noob, you picked the wrong fight this time buddy you came to a gun fight with a putty knife. I train niggers like you daily on how to unfuck you crop, only if your mom would have closed her leggs that night she wouln not of gave birth to a wigger who grows out of 7 gallon grandmaw post under clf's in his moms attic. I fell sorry more for her , her dipshit son who thinks hes black, cant even grow weed and he acts like hes the roll it up forums most popular keep on keeping on noob ill shred a little deeper if you want more exposure, dont quit your day job chump cheers mate
ok since i fuked up my post and backspaced i juss break it down to u nice and fast did u really take up all the time and look up all my 834 post??? how pathetic talk shit off the top of ur mind use ur brain dont go do re4search on me for hours like a fagget and than post something and *mask boy* HAHAH wtf was that i aint gunna show my face on the fukkin internet are u mentally challenged or are u juss illiterate cuz on all this stuff u tried to talk shit about u only know the half of it n hellz yea i did my dry in a shitty carboard box but thats what i had it dried good its curing good it taste sweet and it gets me high now i dont think theres a problem with that... i bet if u didnt have some clothes line or hangers or a pole to hang ur bud on u wouldnt know wtf to do and juss sit there and cry will ur bud rots u should try usin ur brain... lol opps i forgot :o :wall:thats what u look like did i hurt ur feelings cuz its juss to funny i cant tell but if i did go tell ur DaaaaDdY i bet ull have to suk his dik some more for crying and then he will come on here and type more info that u *supoosbly :-?* said u know shit for all i know he probaly made tha last couple of posts nope i dont know anyone who grow but i give out advice that IIIIIIIII know unlike some body im not giving out daddys enfo im no pointing no arrows or nutttin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ go tell ur dad i said if he wants his man-hood-bak to get down on his knees and suck it from me juss like ur doin to him kiss-ass n who the fuk is cezar??? wtf is dog whisper??? and why do u say dick so much??? got a bad past??? bad memory??? maybe a bad taste in ur mouth:spew: n u wanna talke shit bout my spelling (origonal) its original ninkumput do u really grow for high times cuz my first grow looks better than that peace of shit cuz i get high off mine not payed for growin the ***Legal High Buds*** that u see added on this site.... n i wrather buy a jar with a clamp on it than a mason jar but thnx for caring;-) n i didnt run a full diagnotix on his fukkin plants i looked and gave him some help on what i THOUGHT was wrong wit it instead of bogush ass comments u ignorant asshole n if u wanna shred a lil deeper dont worry me and ur dady are good friedns ill juss tell him to go a lil deeper know wat i mean:blsmoke: so juss keep ur cool and everything will be ok oh and BTW im not black im not white im not a nigger coon hunky white trash cracker monkey charcol im not a fukkin chink, but imma proud beaner, wetbak, brazer, pjasa, MEXICAN bitch :finger: get it str8 since u think u fukkin knoew everything cheer.. o wait lemme change it up for u PEACE PUSSY imma go :hump: ur dad


Active Member
Interesting dilemma here. When does ones opinion that is so utterly devoid of civility and so totally lacking in repect and so offensively filled with hate (and evidently self-loathing) that it overcomes any right to free speech in any forum at any time?

Not sure what the moderators/administrators regard as crossing that line but this one is worthy of consideration.


Well-Known Member
This is a picture for a series im doing for hightimes,I cant post the origonal because I make money doing this shit. oh yea you can buy new mason jars at a wallmart instead of burning candlewax out of some jar(the stupidits thing ive heard noob write besides the post on sex while high). For a guy whos new to growing and grows under cfls your quick to give a diogonist of someone elses plant problems. You dont know shit noob, you picked the wrong fight this time buddy you came to a gun fight with a putty knife. I train niggers like you daily on how to unfuck you crop, only if your mom would have closed her leggs that night she wouln not of gave birth to a wigger who grows out of 7 gallon grandmaw post under clf's in his moms attic. I fell sorry more for her , her dipshit son who thinks hes black, cant even grow weed and he acts like hes the roll it up forums most popular keep on keeping on noob ill shred a little deeper if you want more exposure, dont quit your day job chump cheers mate

we don't need you here. bye. :twisted::peace:


Well-Known Member
my dog posted a picture in that magazine once. thx he`s been going around other posts and telling everybody thier wrong. he may have some valid points but most of them are argumentitive, so we could be here all day proving or disproving theories. hope he talks like that over there


Well-Known Member
sorry had to do one more i think i found the original of his photoshoped picture it was a grape tree. lol
