Search results

  1. C

    cutting up males for disposal and getting buzzed

    I was cutting up a male for disposal. I mean, I was really dicing it up. I got the leaves smaller than 1/4 of an inch!! That way its easier to compost and hide from compost snoopers (as if they really want to dig in rotten fruit and vegetables lol :roll: ). All the sudden, I felt really...
  2. C

    how to sell?

    Why weed is still illegal....not trying to be unsupportive, but use common sense. I will part with you a few words of wisdom..."the best way not to get caught-is not to sell."
  3. C

    fox farm soil???

    ff dies out too fast. waste of water.
  4. C

    Buy Regionally grown Pot or grow your own

    Well aren't you lucky?!
  5. C

    Peyote Grow, in or outdoors?

    man where are you guys getting all these cool plants from? peyote, shrooms, i cant get anything like that. I guess i dont hang in those circles.
  6. C

    FBI busts guy who clicks on link (not for weed)

    Thats entrapment. Technically not entirely ethical. Although, clicking on ch!ldpOrn isnt ethical either.
  7. C

    The White House: Open for questions

    Hey how's that "hope" and "change" working out for you?
  8. C

    Buy Regionally grown Pot or grow your own

    We need to start a 'Blitzkrieg' of growing. This 'Blitzkrieg' will likely happen when these cartels are shut down. Dealers need to start selling seeds too. We can end these senseless killings and violence buy growing our own. Not to mention the sheer quality you get from growing your own...
  9. C

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    Hey! How's your "hope" and "change" working out for you?
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    What would you do if you had 15 seconds till LEO arrives?

    build a stealth hide (not grow) box. hide inside. jk chop and flush would be my best bet. but that would be hard if you have retarded huge plants. like anything over a 2 feet would be a challenge to chop and flush in 15.
  11. C

    the best 59 seconds of your life.

    its so strange. why doesnt this video of 1 million views? Ive been sending this to my friends and telling them to send it to their friends.
  12. C

    htg days are numbered

    buying local is always better for the economy. but you gotta be careful for LEO and make sure he doesnt follow you home.
  13. C

    Hydro Nutrient Challenge

    sorry but most people in this world are paranoid. the penalties are so harsh on growers. and its so easy to fall into a scam where police would use entrapment to bust personal growers. The DEA doesn't give a crap if they find 1 or 100 (sure I guess they dont have the same huge hard on when...
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    htg days are numbered

    htg supply is still cheaper. I built a much better system for just a little more 294 gets you mh/hps ballast. 2 bulbs mh/hps. e-ballast (digital), 6 inch vented cool tube. sunlight yoyo hangers. cords and all.
  15. C

    Legalization of our favorite pastime...

    I sent one to my representative. Stand up for what you believe in guys. Together we are strong!
  16. C

    safe to get seeds shipped to my college?

    sounds like a bad idea to me. have it shipped to a friend's house who you don't care about. tell him they do not ship to PO boxs like at your college. Nirvana doesn't accept prepaid visa.. plus I wouldnt order from them. I hearing a lot of horror stories. So screw nirvana-shop.
  17. C

    Nirvana Shop Review-Just Ordered 1-08-09

    im not ordering from these guys. too many upsetting stories.
  18. C

    Botanicare Vs Fox Farm?

    I personally do not like FoxFarm's products partly based on their advertising. The description of the products, the packaging, and the general consumer who buys their products seem somewhat cartoon'ish and gimmicky. People always go ape shit over their products and act childish when describing...
  19. C

    the best 59 seconds of your life.

    more people need to see this video.