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  1. mister420green

    6 X 1000 Watts - Afgoo - Bubba - Purple Fire Og

    I'm at day 22 now, basically going into 4th week. I'm loving the results thus far with dyna gro bloom and mag pro. These are pics from day 17 through day 21. Hope you enjoy!
  2. mister420green

    6 X 1000 Watts - Afgoo - Bubba - Purple Fire Og

    Thanks so much. They started off pretty bad from where they came from, couldn't tell now though. They really seem happy. Temps are at 78 and humidity is 44%. They are in 5 gallon buckets as well. Trying to include as much info as possible. Again, thanks to Homebrewer for his original dyna gro...
  3. mister420green

    6 X 1000 Watts - Afgoo - Bubba - Purple Fire Og

    Sunshine #4 and perlite
  4. mister420green

    6 X 1000 Watts - Afgoo - Bubba - Purple Fire Og

    Hey everyone, it's been a while since I posted a journal. I'm simply doing this for fun. I hope it helps and inspires my fellow bud's :-P I used to run Advanced and swore by it, until I found homebrewer's journal on dyna gro. I have to say I won't be using anything else. I will also be doing...
  5. mister420green

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Second that. Great Speech. Amazing speech. Definitely brought tears to my eyes. Hope America starts in a new direction. Hope.
  6. mister420green

    CNN just called it

    I have to say that I am on cloud 9 seeing that our country has changed to elect an african american when just 60 years ago they would have been arrested for even dating a white women. That to me is beautiful and emergence of Americans as a people. On a down note, I think people are in for a rude...
  7. mister420green

    Gun Sales On Rise In FL On Fear Of An Obama Presidency

    Misshestermoffitt I know it may seem boring. But truly you must watch zeitgeist and zeitgeist addendum. They are not cult movies by any stretch. They simply are made to inform. The only way I can explain clearly is the movie the matrix. It's time to take the red pill or the blue one - whichever...
  8. mister420green

    US election: If Iraqis could vote it would be for McCain

    Friends please watch and pass this on to your friends, loved ones and family members. Zeitgeist: Addendum
  9. mister420green

    Bush administration incursion into Syria.

    I second that emotion
  10. mister420green

    Ready for the Amero ???

    Before I go smoke a bowl and go to bed I have to get in on this. Yes the amero will happen. No it is not a conspiracy theory, it has already been minted. Now, for those of you who think this is impossible, do you remember in the matrix movie where all those people were in those pods plugged in...
  11. mister420green

    Scary Stuff...

    I can't believe nobody has put forth any knowledge on the subject of this thread. Honestly, my friends, you have got to do more research. Stop watching the regular news and get unfiltered news. Once you understand that the top 4 major media corporations are owned by one of the most elite men on...
  12. mister420green

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Here's my 2 cents: If the Fed supplies all the money to the nation and I mean 'all the money' but then they attach interest to that money, how do the american people pay that back? Where does the money for the interest come from? Exactly. So.... until we get a politician (such as Ron Paul) that...
  13. mister420green

    Former Reagan Chief of Staff endorses Obama: WHAT NEXT??

    Dude, obama is handled by the top elitists in the world. He was found when he was a youngster and molded into a modern day jfk. --- at least that's what they want you to think. Shit's about to get real bad. If you can, get the hell out of the country. Seriously. If you can't, go move to some...
  14. mister420green

    US election: If Iraqis could vote it would be for McCain

    As my own eyes have seen...yes these things can be done. It's really not that far fetched. Go into your room and blast a 800 degree fan for about an hour, add a few chemicals increase the humidity and wala. You've just created a new climate. Do the same thing with sub zero ice blocks. Multiply...
  15. mister420green

    Bush administration incursion into Syria.

    I just want to say again that I love America. Actually, I should say I love what America 'was' built on. I don't like where we've gone. It still amazes me that people get up go to work, come home, watch the brainwashing machine, eat and go to bed. Next day... the same thing. We work to pay off...
  16. mister420green

    You don't have to pay income taxes ( NO LAW )

    I say pay the taxes that you want to pay. We have to pay them, they're just too big and powerful to go up against. However, if you own the business that pays you.... hmmmm
  17. mister420green

    Fascist?: Ny post, dallas morning news, washington times told to get out...

    okay here it is watch the whole video it's hilarious. YouTube - Obama = Hitler
  18. mister420green

    Fascist?: Ny post, dallas morning news, washington times told to get out...

    Big P -- Now those pics are funny as hell. Wife and I are sitting here laughing our asses off. Actually it's not too off target, but mccain would be wearing the hitler garb. I got a link I'll show once I find. It is funny as hell. give me a sec to find it. YOU will definitely love it.
  19. mister420green

    US election: If Iraqis could vote it would be for McCain

    I agree, get mccain and palin out of here. And any other jackass that thinks they can take me as a fool. The minute we STOP focusing on the middle east and START focusing on America is the day we will be okay. Until then....Lock and Load ladies and gentlemen. BigP -- I may be a little off here...
  20. mister420green

    Bush administration incursion into Syria.

    IMHO, I think what needs to be done is... Bring all troops home, defend our borders, concentrate on "OUR" country - nobody else's. As long as we are in some other country's pocket we will always have a stake to pay. Want energy? Stop fucking with the middle east put that 15B a months towards...