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  1. 4WrdProgress

    Planted first seed

    thanks man
  2. 4WrdProgress

    Planted first seed

    i planted my first seed today, i germinated it in advance and started the 18/6 cycle at 12 noon today...i have one little problem, i understand that for the 6 hours of no light it needs to be complete darkness...i am planning to do this grow in my closet and the closet door needs to be fixed so...
  3. 4WrdProgress


    thanks a lot guys i appreciate the help tremendously
  4. 4WrdProgress

    I found a stink bug on one of my plants

    i have found that the best way to get rid of them is to grab them in toilet paper and flush them...dont squish them, as previously stated they give off hormones that attract more when they are scared or die...if u grab them up softly in the tissue and flush them u wont have any problems
  5. 4WrdProgress


    ive heard people say once they sprout you should put them in a clear 16 ounce cup with the medium so that you can see the roots grow? i can do that 2night for sure, should i do that? or just wait til 2morro and get it set up in a real pot?
  6. 4WrdProgress


    k if i wait until tomorrow it wont be a big deal right? im still hoping the other 2 will sprout as well and i dont have the pot set up ready to go yet
  7. 4WrdProgress


    great news of the three sprouted, now how long do i want to let it sprout before i plant it?
  8. 4WrdProgress

    Best Books For Learning Cultivation

    thanks alot BarnBuster that was VERY helpful, i really appreciate that
  9. 4WrdProgress

    Best Books For Learning Cultivation

    thanks guys
  10. 4WrdProgress

    Best Books For Learning Cultivation

    thanks man, much appreciated, ill check it out
  11. 4WrdProgress

    Best Books For Learning Cultivation

    no suggestions?
  12. 4WrdProgress

    want to learn breeding from ground up/////

    lol exactly what i was thinking
  13. 4WrdProgress

    From Fower To Veg??

    so for veg you just leave the light on all the time? thats interesting never heard that before
  14. 4WrdProgress

    want to learn breeding from ground up/////

    interesting post to say the least lol
  15. 4WrdProgress

    big problem please help!!

    damn i got nervous just reading your post and its not even my plant haha... hope everything turns out ok, im sure you'll be fine
  16. 4WrdProgress

    Best Books For Learning Cultivation

    hey as some of you may already know im new to cultivation...i'm pretty much in a research phase right now and have been reading a lot on the internet and also notice that there are PLENTY of books on the subject...can you guys who are a little more experienced recommend which books are the best...
  17. 4WrdProgress


    yeah it did, thanks... i just figured what i was asking was a specific this point im just going to wait and see if they sprout...if not its not the end of the world and ill be more prepared for next time
  18. 4WrdProgress


    how long will it take to tell if they actually sprout in the medium? if the plant doesnt emerge from the dirt within how many days?
  19. 4WrdProgress


    k thanks, i hope i didnt ruin them...guess ill know by the morning