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  1. G

    Help !!!!

    ok thanks stems really green and got plenty of spring in it
  2. G

    Help !!!!

    found my plan dry on sunday leaves curled but still intact , i gave it a good water but has never seemed to recover . any body think this is still alive or should i just ditch it
  3. G

    Help ! Plant leaves curled

    still no luck still havnt perked up not even slightly just looks like leaves are going to dry out :(
  4. G

    Help ! Plant leaves curled

    i remembered also i went in tent to turn fan to oscillate whilst they where asleep literally no more than 20 seconds and only very little light do you think this could have had an effect? thanks
  5. G

    Help ! Plant leaves curled

    anybody think this could be something else like i say i think its underwatering cos found pot dry ?
  6. G

    Help ! Plant leaves curled

    in case they dry out obvs ive had them in the window all day up until now and still they havnt perked up , what bout spraying leaves wont this stop drying ?
  7. G

    Help ! Plant leaves curled

    okay thanks should i put them back in grow room now then ? they wont dry up completely will they i gave them a good water
  8. G

    Help ! Plant leaves curled

  9. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    just the way he likes it bet he uses his fist aswel well wierdo!
  10. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    got dr60 with 250hps anybody no if oscillating fan will work with fan controller with 5" rvk outtake ? thanks
  11. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    got dr60 with 250hps :) anybody no if oscillating fan will work with fan controller with 5" rvk outtake ? thanks
  12. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    how by trimming rods?
  13. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    does any one no if there is a tent available for sale with these measurements 52 x 80 cm height 5 ft also
  14. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    ye i personally think its the environment no i do not have any pond liner just a normal tent nothing in the bottom for drainage just the original tent floor. so far my thaughts on cfl are terrible , but i am thinking that the tents just to small
  15. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    ok no worries its abit hostile on this forum for me lol probs will try another thanks anyway
  16. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    if you read , i did not post that
  17. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    BTW thanks every one for advice ! no i need to be more in depth with info will try get as much as possible pics wont be available though as not doing a crop atm . i have read the medical growers bible back to front and taken information in and still continue to read every week
  18. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    yes i do think that over watering is this issue here like you say cos of not drying out the same time as hps. i had done previous about 20 crops from hps all really good quality. does anyone think i am wasting my time with this set up as ican at most get two flowering crops in this tent
  19. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    ye all roots look fine no root rot i think its a bat mix maybe im sorry im not down with all this technical stuff i am only just starting
  20. G

    HELP!!! Plants always die :(

    lol sounds like you outa weed by the sounds of this