HELP!!! Plants always die :(


Well-Known Member
I only know of small tents that are square, like 60x60, 80x80, 90x90, and on. You might be able to adjust an 80x80 to your needs.


Well-Known Member
Well that's why I said "might be able". Not something I'd recommend unless your a really DIY-er, but if you really want a tent that size, that custom size, you will either have to make one yourself or customize a larger one to your needs in which case the latter seems more doable. You can have it custom made but probably pricy.


Well-Known Member
just google the dimensions there are millions of grow tents online you just have to look

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Stick to buying, not growing. Get an easy to understand publication like Ask Ed. Study up on techniques, genetics, lighting, problems, nutes, soils and then attempt another grow.


Well-Known Member
The posts of curious were much more constructive on any level than the shit that I just quoted. That said, perhaps you need to sit down, shut the fuck up, and not attack others in the newbie central area. Want to get schooled? I will take you there. Am not in the mood for asshats today.
Lmao, asshats..? ;)