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  1. R

    Soil recipe, seems like too much

    Any opinions? :)
  2. R

    Soil recipe, seems like too much

    So I added up how much of each nutrient this recipe is gunna take, and it seems like a lot of each nutrient, can y'all tell me if this is overboard or not? I've seen this recipe all over the Internet this is all per 50 gallons 3 1/2 15 pound bags wiggle worm casting 2 cu. ft perlite .5 pounds...
  3. R

    Fox farm substitute?

    Bumpety bump
  4. R

    Fox farm substitute?

    ah i see, well theres no loam of any kind in the mix im getting, so i figured thatd be a good substitute
  5. R

    Fox farm substitute?

    So I've got access to as much sandy loam as I want, should I do maybe a half and half mix of that container soil with sandy loam, or maybe 80/20?
  6. R

    Roots coming out of rockwool cube

    I'd rather keep them under the small light for atleast a week, but I don't know what to do if the roots start popping out the bottom again /:
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    Roots coming out of rockwool cube

    Cool, thanks for the replies guys. I'll keep that in mind will it be safe to put them under a 1k then? Because that's the next step, and they were barely just sprouted
  8. R

    Roots coming out of rockwool cube

    When would be a good time to transplants the cube to soil? Last grow, the roots started growing out of the cubes after like a day or two if being in the cubes, so mainly what I'm asking is what do I do when I see the roots popping (literally) out of the bottom of the cubes, like the root is...
  9. R

    Attitude sold out of most early finish strains need advice on other banks

    +1 to herbies. When I was searching, I found a lot of negative feedback towards attitude, otherwise I would of went with then because their sites pretty lol never heard a negative thing about herbies tho
  10. R

    30 gallons, dig holes or pots?

    Trust me I know :(, there's this stuff I used last year that I think worked, also gunna try out bait as well
  11. R

    30 gallons, dig holes or pots?

    I don't have to worry about gophers, just grasshoppers. I don't even know what a gopher looks like haha but that's great advice
  12. R

    30 gallons, dig holes or pots?

    It gets like over 100 degrees at time. Native soil is pretty shitty, so not much benefit from that lol
  13. R

    30 gallons, dig holes or pots?

    If I were to plan on using about 30 gallons of soil per plant and don't care about moving them any, would it just be better to dig holes? It's gets hot where I love so if that makes a difference
  14. R

    MAINE: Best mixture to grow with?

    Here's what I'm doing (don't mind all the dollar signs and all the random shit) minus the fox farm, I'm just buying premium potting mix by the yard 1.5 cubic feet fox farm ocean forest 38 cups wiggle worm earthworm casting (1-0-0) $20 15 lb $19 15 lb hydro 10 cups perlite 11 tsp rooters...
  15. R

    Cooking the soil

    the temperatures vary, but if its cold outside, than its probably cold everywhere. i can throw it in the attic i suppose. Will i know if its ready or not after a while?
  16. R

    Cooking the soil

    holy shit thats quite a story lol like it was said above tho, were more referring to composting :P screw cooking it haha but in most cases yeah. your "cooking" it to (its something like this) break down all complex bonds or something in the nutrients so itl be easier for the plant to absorb.
  17. R

    Cooking the soil

    Btw, how wet should I get it? Like drown it or just get it moist? I'm guessing just getting it moist lol
  18. R

    Cooking the soil

    It's really cold outside, so not too worried about that lol I'll probly cover it with a black trash bag then
  19. R

    Cooking the soil

    Do I water it ever week as well, or just water it once at the beginning?
  20. R

    Cooking the soil

    So how does one go about cooking the soil? I've read about it and wondering what's up with that, I couldn't really find anywhere on exactly how to do it. Is it just mixing the soil, then watering it, and let it sit outside for a month? Thanks