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    Rapid Rooter - 2 weeks? +rep for answer

    Are you talking about Rapid Rooter Soil Plugs? Sorry to ask that stupid question but I cant remember the name of the soil plugs that I used but I got them at my local grow shop with a plastic thing to put the plugs in. Last time I cloned I could see roots poking through about an inch of soil...
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    What light to veg with???

    Changed my mind on a few things, my grow room is actually a little bit bigger than I thought and I decided to use the 400w hps and the 2 150w metal halides, I figure I can fit more plants and there will be a greater spectrum of light. :weed:
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    What light to veg with???

    My grow space is about 3x3.5 and about 6ft high. I want to squeeze as many plants in there as I can. eventually that room will only be for flowering and Ill have a separate clone/veg room.
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    What light to veg with???

    So I Just bought a 400w hps, I currentkly have 2 150w MH's. So my question is when I start my new grow should I veg using the 150w mh's or the 400w hps or should I get crazy and use the 400w hps and one of the mh. bongsmilie
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    Is this enough light?

    Yeah I saw that thread earlier today , very interesting shipping is only like $9, thats a more reasonable option than a vortex.
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    Is this enough light?

    im not not worried about intake, its finding a fan that's not a $100 and is strong enough to push air through a carbon filter efficiently, thats the problem.
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    Is this enough light?

    The 6 inch duct fans are rated at 160cfm What would you suggest using besides $100 vortex? I could always put a fan on each side, that would definitely move more air through the carbon filter.
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    Is this enough light?

    I had planned on using a 6" duct boosting fan its the $25 one that they sell, eventually i would fit a carbon filter on, or I was looking into one of those ozone odor neutralizers. I want to try and avoid putting a heater in there, mostly for safety issues, but I may have to. Come may or so...
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    Is this enough light?

    im not to worried about heat yet, im in New England and my basement will be cool until march-april so the temps shouldnt get very low when the lights are on and the room is insulated so the temp should hold (im hoping) I may ahve to get a small heater when the lights are off. How many plants...
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    Is this enough light?

    So I have a space under my stairs in my basement that I am currently in the process of building a new grow room. This is my second grow, my first with HID's, first was CFL in rubbermaid containers. Actually went very well got almost 2oz off 5 plants. Anyways what I was wondering was, I came...
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    New Grow Room help

    So I have a space under my stairs in my basement that I am currently in the process of building a new grow room. This is my second grow, my first with HID's, first was CFL in rubbermaid containers. Actually went very well got almost 2oz off 5 plants. Anyways what I was wondering was, I came...
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    C.A.P. OZN-Jr Ozone Generator

    Does any one know if this works, wanna get one but dont want to waste $80.
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    How many plants can I fit?

    So i have a new grow space that is almost complete, my question is with 2 150w MH for veg and 2 150w Hps for flower, how many plants can I fit in a 3ftL x 3ftw x 5fth space.
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    Dual 150w MH

    So I have recently come across 2 150w metal halide light fixtures with reflectors, the only catch is that the reflectors and the fixtures are made to be hung vertically. I was looking for opinions as to whether hanging them vertically as opposed to the traditional horizontal would make any...
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    60 days flowering and leaves are yellowing

    Orgaic soil grow with 6 100w equiv. cfl's in rubbermaid containers, so far i harvested one plant yesterday and it is currently hanging im going to harvest another on sat. or sun.. and another mid next week.
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    60 days flowering and leaves are yellowing

    unfortunately i havent given it any nutes in a week and a half just water. Any chance it could be some kind of bug that im not seeing? I havent had any bug issues yet fortunately but im not sure, this is only my first grow.
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    60 days flowering and leaves are yellowing

    Yeah, thats what ive been doing on my other plants, its not so much the yellowing that concerned me but the brown spots.
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    60 days flowering and leaves are yellowing

    So my plants are just over 60 days into flowering and the man leaves have started getting yellow spots on them. The plant has not started to turn amber at all yet and I want to let it flower for another week or two. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks