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  1. Skullba

    How Long Now?

    alright will do. how long till harvest on those do you think?
  2. Skullba

    How Long Now?

    could this be a quick fix and could i save the harvest? what should i do? thanks
  3. Skullba

    How Long Now?

    About 2 months into flowering Bubblicious Grape Muerte Purple Kush Are they ready?
  4. Skullba

    Boston First Closet AeroGrow *Purple Kush, Grape Muerte*

    Ill post more pix of the second bubblicious plant when the lights come back on. she has the fattest colas. I getting anxious!!!!! do i have to wait until the leaves turn yellow?
  5. Skullba

    Boston First Closet AeroGrow *Purple Kush, Grape Muerte*

    Ill post more pix of the second bubblicious plant when the lights come back on. she has the fattest colas. I getting anxious!!!!! do i have to wait until the leaves turn yellow?
  6. Skullba

    Boston First Closet AeroGrow *Purple Kush, Grape Muerte*

    UPDATE!!!!!!!!! The plants are about 2 months into flowering now and I dont know if theyre ready to harvest yet!!!! There are three strains: (FROM LEFT IN FIRST PHOTO) Bubbleicious, Bubbleicious, Qrape Muerto- other one in aero garden- Purple Kush. I think the Purple Kush...
  7. Skullba

    Voidling's Wicking Bed

    That's a great looking setup!:bigjoint:
  8. Skullba

    Boston First Closet AeroGrow *Purple Kush, Grape Muerte*

    Do any of you vets see any issues in the grow setup so far? Any suggestions, comments, quarries?
  9. Skullba

    Boston First Closet AeroGrow *Purple Kush, Grape Muerte*

    It is day two after the planting of the last Fem AF NL seed. She still has not sprouted but the temp is still at 80F, though the humid rose to 45% last night due to the water basin I placed under the lights. The grow is in the boring stages =/ but its very exciting anticipating the sprouting...
  10. Skullba

    Boston First Closet AeroGrow *Purple Kush, Grape Muerte*

    bongsmilieHellow Fellow Rollitupers!bongsmilie I have decided, due to my extreme love of God's blessed flora, to start an indoor Aerogarden grow! Before I moved to Boston for school I successfully grew White Widow and G13 at my old home in California. I am very excited to see how the foxy...