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    Highest THC Content?

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    peetmoss in hydroton hydro setup?

    right, right. thanks for the f y i :peace:
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    peetmoss in hydroton hydro setup?

    Hello, just got some clones, and I have always used rockwool, but these new ones are rooted in jiffypots, should that be a problem?:blsmoke:
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    San Diego Area Looking for Clones...

    anye prop 215 medical marijuana readers out there that can help? :hump:
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    San Diego Area Looking for Clones...

    I want dank, awesome clones! Who has clones? I have my prop 215 ID's and I want the real deal, medicinal, stinky clones!
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    Help ! Interrupted flowering light cycle?

    9 plants yielded .... im not sure yet, enough though:hump: i got clones through a dispensary here in San Diego, the purple kush was from the owner supposedly, and it smokes like none other, no joke, I have had access to good weed for quite a while and this purple has a taste and smell that is...
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    Help ! Interrupted flowering light cycle?

    those two pics are from my last harvest, just finished. purple kush, sour blackberry
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    Help ! Interrupted flowering light cycle?

    nice grow!! is she your first? the roots look beautiful, im drip system in hydroton pellets, but i want to do something like your set up some day, i see a big advantage to misting the roots now
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    Help ! Interrupted flowering light cycle?

    ill pray for no he:hug:rmaphrodites.
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    Help ! Interrupted flowering light cycle?

    even with them only flowering a few days? :hump:thanks for the reply, I might be able to sleep now
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    Help ! Interrupted flowering light cycle?

    HELLO, I have 6 plants on 12/12 flowering since Sunday and I woke up tonight to find that the flowering room light had come on for an hour or so at midnight. so my light went off at 7 pm last night and came on again at midnight, what should I do? let it turn on in the morning at 7 like...
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    water ph

    hello, I have been uncer the impression that a ph range of 5.6 - 6.5 is good. BUT, yesterday I read a post from A STAFF mbr. of rollitup who said 6.5 - 7.0. SO where do I go? 6.0? 6.5? 7.0? I run a ebb n flow hydrodrip system.
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    ideal temp. for flowering purple kush ?

    thanks guys, I will work on that, I live by the beach and I think that we should be around 65 at night here in a month + we dont get much colder than the ocean water temp at night.
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    ideal temp. for flowering purple kush ?

    anyone grown purple kush or sour blackberry kush ?
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    ideal temp. for flowering purple kush ?

    Hello yall, got an un-believable purple kush clone from the local dispensary, what temp. would you recommend to get good purple color?
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    600w hps light distance ?? w/ enclosure ??

    good idea. thnks for all the quick info, I really appreciate it :lol:
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    600w hps light distance ?? w/ enclosure ??

    my wife, who bought the fan, was giving me a lesson on sq foot and cubic foot. i totally get it .. thanks for all the help, honestly. where should my temps be too get a good purple kush color coming out? Bellow 78 degrees? I have Purple Kush and Sour Blackberry Kush, last harvest at 85...
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    600w hps light distance ?? w/ enclosure ??

    I appreciate that so much, i hate talking out of my ass, and bad info can lead to that. thats why I love this site, lots of oppinions are a good thing. :bigjoint:
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    600w hps light distance ?? w/ enclosure ??

    sweet, I use a tower blower to move air into the room, a rotating fan above the plants in the room, and of course the 500 cfm blower to cool the bulb and it all works great !!! last harvest was really good and I didnt have the housing nor the blower. this one is going to go off !!!