Help ! Interrupted flowering light cycle?

buds o' plenty

Active Member

I have 6 plants on 12/12 flowering since Sunday and I woke up tonight to find that the flowering room light had come on for an hour or so at midnight.

so my light went off at 7 pm last night and came on again at midnight, what should I do? let it turn on in the morning at 7 like normal or is everything JACKED ????

please help


Well-Known Member
nice grow!!

is she your first? the roots look beautiful, im drip system in hydroton pellets, but i want to do something like your set up some day, i see a big advantage to misting the roots now
yup first grow- pretty sure 2/3 are female,I like them budding pics

buds o' plenty

Active Member
9 plants yielded .... im not sure yet, enough though:hump:

i got clones through a dispensary here in San Diego, the purple kush was from the owner supposedly, and it smokes like none other, no joke, I have had access to good weed for quite a while and this purple has a taste and smell that is un-matched, she makes me very very happy

in fact i m having some now, smells like straight flowers when you blow her