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  1. C


    i know this thread is years old but a great read none the less how about using advanced nutrients grow micro bloom at all equal parts in flower was thinking about picking some up im having that problem now loss of leaf color due 2 not a enough N in flower nutes
  2. C

    what does this look like pics

    looks alot darker black in pic its light brown thow
  3. C

    what does this look like pics

    was thinking stem rot but that only happens at the base of the stem right i did have the twist tie there rubbing it moved it up my my room has low humidity think this is anything i need 2 worry about i did rub hand sanitizer on the affected area
  4. C

    400 watt hps with glass and exhaust distance??

    ok i got ya bro thanks so its a temp thing keep it under 80/85 max and im good
  5. C

    400 watt hps with glass and exhaust distance??

    hi all i know this question probably been asked a million times but im gunna ask it again what distance should my light be from plants my light has a glass shield and a exhaust fan on the top of light pulling hot air out its a 400 watt hps was going off this chart...
  6. C

    whats this look like mg ph waiting on liime

    bump 4 help what should be my next course of action here 4 my kushes SOIL PROS
  7. C

    whats this look like mg ph waiting on liime

    ok thanks Steelheader so i am over feeding them yeah my leafs r a dark green and feel dryer not soft not to be a complete noob but until it tells you you say how will i know when it tells me it needs food wait for lighter leafs i feed weekly with iguana juice light feeding should i feed every 2...
  8. C

    what kind of limestone

    k i found a bag of ground limestone from another hydrostore the stuff u guys buy from home depot the 40 pound bags r hydrated lime mixed with dolomitelime thats why i dident buy it
  9. C

    what kind of limestone

    ok thanks powered lime has been very hard 2 find track down can i use this lime its a small granular i tryed 2 grind it buts its not working well anyone use this stuff
  10. C

    whats this look like mg ph waiting on liime

    wonder if the soil pros can tell me whats going on im new 2 soil hydro where i started was thinking mag def?i dont ph my water all organic grow dont wanna destroy the beneficial bacteria with acidty ph down my water ph is like 7.5 i know that soil i have says its 5.5/6.5 ph on labelwont that...
  11. C

    what kind of limestone

    hi I wanted to hit my soil with lime upon transplant before bloom phase it there any particular kind or brand i should be using or is something basic at homedepot will do the trick like this and how should i...
  12. C


    i have a question on transplanting i have my plants in a 1 gallon pots there not root bound yet but i wanna put them in a 3 gallon pots in there final home to get them ready 4 flower in a week so is it ok to transplant a nonrootbound plant to bigger pots 4 flower
  13. C

    does water ph need to be adjusted when growing in soil

    yeah thanks Black im seeing problems on all sight cal an mag defs one has a bad lockout yellow leafs and slowed growth on all of them cause i phed my plain water everytime im believing now two man my soil ph is 5.5-6.5 says it on label and i mix my soil with light warrior soil 50/50 was thinking...
  14. C

    does water ph need to be adjusted when growing in soil

    question do i really need to adjust the ph of my water when growing in soil my water ph is 7.7 i have been adjusting my ph water to 6.5 and seem to be running into calmag deficiencies even on the babys so does soil have a buffer to self adjust its ph should i not worry about PHing everything i...
  15. C

    brown spots on my diesel

    ok thanks today is water day so ill water with cal mag bloom im in veg but all i have is calmag bloom
  16. C

    brown spots on my diesel

    rust spots is the proper term i guess how do i fix this
  17. C

    brown spots on my diesel

    was wondering if I can foliar spray with calmag for a mag def or cal def im in veg and all i have is the calmag bloom formula can I use that in veg my ph is at 6.3 or should i wait until pot drys out and water it in let me know thks
  18. C

    whats wrong with my plant have pics

    thanks darth dank an dr who soil im using is light warrior and pro mix 50/50 mix lighting just using flos i do have HPS lights thow nutes using advanced nutes iguana juice at 4 mls a gal.once a week there due today 4 a feeding was gunna bump it up to 5mls a gal. should i bump that up more its a...
  19. C

    whats wrong with my plant have pics

    so my ph was high 4 a while in the beginning from seed like 2 weeks ago since then ive got it down between 6.3/6.5 in soil leafs dont have that soft wet feel on any of the leafs on the plant was thinking mag but it started at the top of plant and the lower growth is fine she is being fed...
  20. C

    seedling leafs curling downward have pics

    i hope they recover ok its got me buggin lol I let the cup dry out before i water again then I water lightly until i see a little run off then stop is this correct what ive always done or should i water half the cup with no runoff? is this what you r saying Sofia good point Mystic maby this...