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    roots on surface of soil

    alright cool, that's good to hear. Thanks
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    roots on surface of soil

    hey everyone, so a strange thing has been happening and i'm not too sure if i should be worried or not. The roots from my plants seemed to have grown upwards as well this time and they are not even a centimeter underneath the top layer of soil. Whenever i water them i can see thick...
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    Maximizing root growth in soil containers

    strangely, i'm starting to see thick roots coming out of the top of the soil? What does this mean?...Should I transplant
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    How much to water at a time?

    awesome thanks a lot guys, that was very helpful. My growing medium is pro mix if any of you were curious
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    How much to water at a time?

    So I was wondering if there's any rule out there when it comes down to watering. In the way of how much water to give it depending on the pot size it's in. Anyone got some ideas on this? Right now mine are in 1 gallon pots and i water with about 2 cups (500ml) each time. Does that sound out...
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    okay thanks, how bout when i do start with nutrients..should i feed everyother often would you suggest?
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    limited space need lighting advice!!!!!

    here man check out this thread.. ..hope it helps
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    I've got 5 plants under a 400 watt HPS. The nutes I have are from a hydro store nearby, It's their own grow formula, Part A and Part B for grow. AS for NPK values i'm not sure but the guy said a lot of people use it for what i'm growing (He's a hippy and knows whats up) lol. I was thinking...
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    There must be some growing guru's out there who can answer this
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    limited space need lighting advice!!!!!

    I had a small grow room first time around, and I used 2 45 watt CFL bulbs. They surprisingly worked wonders for vegetative state, the largest benefit is not much heat is being produced and also you don't need as efficient of a ventilation system. As for flowering I'm not sure if the lack of...
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    Hey there, just yesterday I transplanted my plants into 2 gallon buckets. I'm using pro mix as a my grow medium. I was curious as to whether or not I should feed nutes or if the pro mix nutes should be sufficient for now. If so how long should i wait until i induce nutes. Any help would be...
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    yellowing and browing of leaves

    k great thanks a lot, I also just bought a thermostat and i see another large problem my temp is running at 84 F i realize this is extremely high, but my grow space is very small and i have 2 4 inch fans running this leaves basically no space. Any idea how i could reduce temperature besides...
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    yellowing and browing of leaves

    just got back from the store, picked up one gallon pots, they'll have to do for now. I alos bought mineral water so i'll be using that from now on. As for my nutes, I'm using some from a local hydroponics store its their own brand. But maybe they're not hte right ones because, the grow...
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    yellowing and browing of leaves

    okay thanks alot for the advice, so I should transplant into gallon pots? what kind of soil should I use
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    yellowing and browing of leaves

    oh okay, is their any harm in flushing if i dont need to get rid of nutrients. I've been watering about once a day, once every two days to start but the plants under the 400w hps in my small closet seem to heat up a lot and dry out the soil I had to water twice today because they were dryed up...
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    yellowing and browing of leaves

    how do i go about flushing the plant out? they're in pretty small pots right now about 3inches should i maybe transplant them into larger pots? I'm using nutrients from a local hydroponic store, its their own brand. and I've had the plants for about a week and half i got them as clones
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    yellowing and browing of leaves

    it's growing in soil and i've heard anything between 6-7 would be okay, But you're right i was just considering buying some PH down and seeing if theres a change. Also I dont have very good ventilation could that be a factor?
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    yellowing and browing of leaves

    hey I recently started growing in my closet its not a very large space and i am using a 400 watt HPS light. The plants are ranging from 7 inches to about a foot and started off well. It started with the lower leaves burning at the tip and curling upwards. Now it has spread to the upper and...