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  1. Rust1d

    Mutant Stems From Flatland! MUST SEE!

    I might keep it and see what I can make out of it. The strain was originally Bubba Kush and had hermied many generations ago, it then mixed with some Shiva. I'm too lazy and cheap to order seeds, I always just use the few femmed seeds that manage to grow from a few nanners that always show up...
  2. Rust1d

    Mutant Stems From Flatland! MUST SEE!

    That's how they are starting to look. I'll post some more picks when they've fattened up. Thanks for the pics!
  3. Rust1d

    Mutant Stems From Flatland! MUST SEE!

    Interesting, did yours have the double tops like these?
  4. Rust1d

    Mutant Stems From Flatland! MUST SEE!

    I've got some interesting mutant stems. Appears as though two stems are merged together like Siamese twins even though they originate from a single stem. I have 4 plants like this, all were topped after second node for 4 main stems. On one plant only one side exhibits this trait. I'm using...
  5. Rust1d

    Which technique to use?

    Here's 18-20 can't remember exactly under 1000w all in 3.5 or 4 gal pots all topped after second node for 4 colas except for that tall sexy bitch in the right hand corner. It decided to stretch for some reason.
  6. Rust1d

    Important ventilation/ducting question, help!

    Lowes and Casa Depot carry flexible insulated ducting. Look here It also insulates the heat in the line from getting in your room.
  7. Rust1d

    5' x 5' x 9' closet for under $1000?

    No doubt that is a steal on that fan, I might pick one up for a backup. I was just trying to show what I have used and know to work. I thought that site looked familiar, that's where I ordered my OZN-1 Ozone Generator. Too bad they don't seem to carry it anymore.
  8. Rust1d

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    You got the jest of it, I was just over exaggerating to make my point :grin:
  9. Rust1d

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    This is in no way directed at you just an observation on your question. One of the many things I've always wondered is why would someone want to take the time to grow a 5' plant and then chop off a 3rd of it? Seems to me it would be a lot easier to just grow a 3' plant. :confused:
  10. Rust1d

    5' x 5' x 9' closet for under $1000?

    Yeah that was a great detailed reply. HaHa, yeah I'm lazy, sometimes I forget how someone new to this needs a more detailed explanation on things and how much it helps being able to see the actual product and where to find it. +rep The other thing is that you won't really know how all this will...
  11. Rust1d

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Here's my experience with this topping technique and something I learned by accident. I started 20 seeds following the directions on Fox Farm's nutrients. I planted in Natural Guard Organic soiless mix similar to Sunshine #4. The only things I added to the mix were rock dust and some worm...
  12. Rust1d

    5' x 5' x 9' closet for under $1000?

    Sure, a good 1000 watt hps with hood will run $300-$500+$150 for fan+$25 for insulated ducting+$250 for filter. I would go with atleast 6" fan for 1000 watt. Your biggest problem will be the radiant heat coming off the light and the heat generated by the ballast, you will need some way to bring...
  13. Rust1d

    Radient/Accoustic/Insulating Barrier Ceramic Paint-FLIR Blocker?

    Just found this company that makes different kinds of ceramic paint and paint additives that can provide radiant barriers, acoustic barriers, and insulation. I have never tried it myself but am interested in the radiant barrier and insulation. Anyone here ever try these ceramic paints? They are...
  14. Rust1d

    Recipe: Copper Carbonate + Latex Paint

    Here's some info found =2&docHistory[]=22"]here. The last general type of root growth control barrier is an inhibitor. Inhibitor growth barriers use chemical control agents or toxins to constrain root growth. One inhibitor system comes from the nursery production trade. Cupric carbonate (CuCO3)...
  15. Rust1d

    Pollen for Sale?

    Great idea, I had this thought also and found this thread. The way I figure it is if there was a way to profit from it then it would have been done already. Legalization could pave the way though!
  16. Rust1d

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Very interesting response coming from you UB, From all the posts of yours I've read you seem to be a do it yourself kinda guy and that you are unwilling to mix this yourself is a brain scratcher for me. After reading the msds on cupric carbonate I'm having second thoughts of trying this myself...
  17. Rust1d

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Has anyone here tried making their own "Spinout" using the cupric carbonate? I'm going to give it a shot. Great advice everyone!
  18. Rust1d

    dyna-gro nutes anyone????

    For those looking for products please check out the company's own site for ordering.