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  1. K

    Plant leafs

    Thanks for the help! it soil from our garden when i planted them i used pott soil i took some soil from our garden filled the bottle up then toped it of with potsoil the plants in our garden grows fine no problem i took the soil where new plants started to grow...i also mixed pot soil with the...
  2. K

    Plant leafs

    HEy guys, thanks for all the great advice !! my plants don't seem to be growing...the have 2 big leaves then the two little round leafes then at the centre to more leafs are starting to grow... i put them in the sun all day full sunlight and at nght in my room for darkness? the germination...
  3. K

    Stretchy Stems

    Hello everyone! i am doing my first grow i have seven plants! Thanks to you guys everyting went smoothly! bongsmilie i will post a few pics om my plants, please tell me if they are in good shape? and some of them have long stretchy stems? replant them deeper? Let them be? i use sunlight to...
  4. K

    Replanting Process

    When the sun comes up till the sun goes down so about 7:00 - 7:30 to 5:00
  5. K

    Replanting Process

    I am going to plant limits and what does it mean to veg? i have no idea i give my plants natural sun all day and total darkness during the night? would 10 liter buckets be alright? and i am transplanting them to bigger pots friday
  6. K

    Replanting Process

    I am almost going to transplant my little babies...i was wondering what size container i must use? 10 Liter? 20 liter or more ( This will be the plants permanent home) Thank you guys !!!!:joint:
  7. K

    I think my plant is retarded

    my plant is just busy getting leaves but it has this weird spiral curl thing at the base of the leaves? anything to be worried about? Thanks all!!
  8. K

    First light

    i think my little plant is retared it has a weird spiral at tha base of the leaves ? Thanks all for the very helpfull info!!
  9. K

    First light

    Thanks all for replying so fast:weed: so HeadieNugs i must put the undevelopws Cotyledon under light?
  10. K

    First light

    Hello all.. i planted 7 germinated seeds in soil one came up the shell broke of but there is no leaves... and i would like to know does it need light when there no leaves or only when leaves apear? thank you all!:mrgreen:
  11. K

    Seeds planted, no sprouting yet...

    Thank you very much i am exited like a child getting his first bike...just can't wait to take care of a baby Swazi plant!
  12. K

    Seeds planted, no sprouting yet...

    Hello all... i planted my germinated seeds in soil This past friday..nothing has happend yet ...exept some seeds started to break soil i don't know if this is supposed to happen... when will my plant produce its first leaves...? i keep them moist any advice?
  13. K

    Tap Root Questions

    My seed started surfacing today looks like taproot has gone down is that good news?
  14. K

    Tap Root Questions

    must i repositon the seed then? or will that be a bad idea?
  15. K

    Tap Root Questions

    I germinated a few swazi seeds..they poped in 6 days the taproot showed so i planted them down in soil... i noticed today that the taproot made like a u-turn and its starting to grow upward saw the little white root break soil? is this normal? should i reposition the seed? Thank you very much!
  16. K

    First time grower

    yes very great news...i transplantet them to soil now we wait, for the leafs to break surface...Thanks alot for you guy's help:peace: From which Country's are you guys?
  17. K

    First time grower

  18. K

    First time grower

    I noticed some of my seeds opend , but very very small no taproots yet, is this a good sign?
  19. K

    First time grower

    Thanks all for replying
  20. K

    First time grower

    i placed 6 seeds in water they all sank, i am going to put in the paper towel, and see if i get better results. Thank you very much.