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  1. C

    3 foot plant

    thanks people think im going to have to grow the three photos under one light maybe have to supercrop the monster and see what happens il put pics on this thread when they are done before and after cut no idea what strain they are but sure wel see you can tell me what youy think they are when i...
  2. C

    3 foot plant

    cheers yes i was supose to flower a while back but had one light and one space,have 3 photo plants and 2 autos, the autos kept me back first compleat spur of the moment grow but not the last, movin the autos out now only gettin a loan of the 400 have to get one of my own might go 600,if anything...
  3. C

    3 foot plant

    under 250 watt hps at the min but going under 400 in 3 weeks, the lower branches are all nearly level with the two main tops,alot of light getting through its also bout 2and half feet wide if not 3
  4. C

    3 foot plant

    have a plant its now 3 foot tall and was topped its a monster 12 weeks old and only now putting it in flower, was ment to do this weeks ago,my question is how high would you expect it to get by end of flower am i going to need supercroping have 7 foot to the celing
  5. C

    whats every 1 think? 92w cfl autoflower grow

    its mostly indica 40% sativa 35% autoflower
  6. C

    whats every 1 think? 92w cfl autoflower grow

    this is my royal ak from RQS day 24 aswellthe second pic was taken at a bad angle it looks better than this in person
  7. C

    whats every 1 think? 92w cfl autoflower grow

    lol this is my dinafem roadrunner at the min small in comparasin day 24was only 6cm a week ago now 20cm god i hope it starts to stretch soon gave it a small amount of nutriants couple days ago for first time and has grown a bit faster since what was yours like on day 24 and what was the smoke...
  8. C

    is my plant to small

    here are the two small plants 7 weeks 56cm the last one compleatly unrelated hes cute so, wtf
  9. C

    is my plant to small

    thankyou that was a very indepth and not to mention informative answer LOL, i was thinking they were to small but ARE still growing a bit 4cm in last 5 days ish but they had stopped for a week or so, have no pics and wouldnt know how to put them on the computer anyway my question is, should i...
  10. C

    is my plant to small

    my plants are 55cm tall both of them one is like a christmas tree nice and bushy,the other one i toped and its branches have soared nearly beside the main tops but its not bushy both look nice and both are female the one i toped had real problems for the first 3/4 weeks but took off after...
  11. C

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    the tent has 600watt and i was thinking about coco perlite mix the mix was sugested to me, but yes i was going to use soil allmix or just somthing from a garden center
  12. C

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    thanks man needed that! when i have your attention im just about to put my reg fems into flower 120x120 secret jarden and was goin to put 2 60day lemon in with them would i get 10g off each i know its better on more light but its spare seeds and i tought why not try, the lights goin to be on...
  13. C

    6 days to harvest woo hoo!

    where did you get the 60day lemon? LOOKS DAM TASTY, im just about to put my regular plants in flower and was lookin an auto that would work ok'ish along side and have been told that 60day lemon would be best only hoping for 10 grams if it works atall,any toughts or sugestions
  14. C

    can lowryder plants or auto flowering plants be left on 12 hours light

    i was going to put 2 autos in with my 2 regular plants just in flower ,just to use the space and get just a little more would i get 10g off each plant i have a 400watt light in a 120x120secret jarden tent,,,,,,,,,,plus im new to this computer stuff and dont know how to post my own questions lol...
  15. C

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    can somebody tell me how to post my own questions on the site im very bad with computers ,,,sorry