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  1. BadgerBuds

    Main-Lined Critical Kush x2 - Coco - 600w Grow

    @drude1 hey man great grow with the CK are you still growing it? What nute lineup did you run? Thanks! -BB
  2. BadgerBuds

    Mapito Grow Medium VS. Mapitousa THE FINAL CONCLUSION

    HELLO ALL. After a side-by-side grow with flood and drain for 2 8x6 tables.... one with each company. First of all, I would like to say mapitousa is double the cost! WHY?! not sure... I asked my plants and they told me not to be an idiot and go with mapito grow medium. I would post pictures...
  3. BadgerBuds

    MAPITO What brand to buy ?

    After using both companies: mapitousa an mapito grow medium.. is definitely the better option. It is a superior product and my plants exploded with it! Also it comes it reusable hemp bags which is great because you can use it forever. Also it is 35$ a bag compared to 65$ a...
  4. BadgerBuds

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I just said one similar to it... couldn't find the exact one I've already bought from the hardware store online.
  5. BadgerBuds

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hey Bricktown or anyone, Just wanted to say that your electrical forum has been very helpful for me. I am wondering if I may ask you a couple questions... I am new on RIU but very familiar with growing high-quality medicine. I am currently in the process of switching from a 4000w room to...
  6. BadgerBuds

    HELP w/ Lighting and Electricial Questions Please

    Thanks guys for the help, now I can quit stressin' and start veggin' haha
  7. BadgerBuds

    HELP w/ Lighting and Electricial Questions Please

    The ballasts that I am using already have that feature, it was my main reason for the purchase.
  8. BadgerBuds

    Sea Of Green Drain to waste

    I would think about saving the money from buying the co2 set up to just buying another light instead. Co2 is primarily beneficial in situations when there is more than enough light for the space and heat is ranging from mid to upper 80s. Interested to see how things work out, good luck
  9. BadgerBuds

    HELP w/ Lighting and Electricial Questions Please

    Alright awesome thank you, it is 10 gauge wiring. I have both 120 and 240 cords and I was leaning toward using the 240v cords because I believe it uses around 4.7 amps. I think that would be safer in the long run, any thoughts? Here is a pic of the cord that I am considering for the dryer...
  10. BadgerBuds

    HELP w/ Lighting and Electricial Questions Please

    Hello and thanks for reading! I have two 1000w switchable ballasts that I am running on 12/12 cycle. Which means that I have 2000w on for 12 hours and then those turn off and 2000w comes on in an adjacent 6x10 room. My question is will I be able to power both ballasts off of one 4-pronged...
  11. BadgerBuds

    Critical kush (2 problems need help please)

    The purple isn't a bad thing. It is the underlying layer of Xanthophyll (like chlorophyll only purple). Some strains show it more than others. Looking great so far!!
  12. BadgerBuds

    New ballast I got while in ohio

    Thanks for the post and the links man. Just purchased from ebay, talk about a great price and a great product. Nanolux is a superior ballast and to find it to close to the cost of iPower (or bulb exploders as I like to call them) is awesome!
  13. BadgerBuds

    Hortilux Dual Arc 1000w Issues

    That bulb isn't going to be the one you want anyways man. When you're flowering you want the light that is specifically built for it like you were doing.. kinda a don't fix it if it ain't broke thing. And digital ballast with that bulb would work perfectly fine. I used one for a short time with...
  14. BadgerBuds

    Air-Pot vs standard pot grow from clones. 600w in a tent

    ==>Would you have your automatic dripper running constantly? or turn it on/off multiple times per day? (trying to figure out the best way to use mine)
  15. BadgerBuds

    How To Water While On Vacation

    That is a most excellent system for watering, how could you control the nutes going to the plants? Mixing them into the 35 gallon can? Did you have an O2 source to keep the nutes from becoming concentrated in certain areas?
  16. BadgerBuds

    Web cam in your grow room?

    My set up was very costly, a little more than 2000$ with only software and attachments. Incredible system though as I can completely control it from 200 miles away, using hydro is beneficial with the system becuase the nutrient mixing is ideal if youre not checking on it often.
  17. BadgerBuds

    2 Grow Tents or a dang room

    Thanks everyone for the responses, sorry I haven't responded lately. I have decided to go with a 5'x10' tent with 2 1000 watt hortiluxs. I will probably start sharing some pics once things have advanced further. I am also wondering what everyone thinks about "Defoliation" methods? The articles...
  18. BadgerBuds

    2 Grow Tents or a dang room

    hello:bigjoint: so I would appreciate some opinions. I am currently upgrading my set up from a 5x5 with a 1000 watt hps. I do this with 15 plants successfully and I would like to double it and get another 1000. I am wondering if I should do 2 tents, or one large tent, or a whole dang room? I am...