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  1. R

    How far does this look from being ready?

    How far does this plant look from being ready? I know you cant be exact without looking at it with a magnifying glass but I just want a general opinion
  2. R

    Plant welting with light on

    Hey guys My plant has started welting the last few days whenever the light is on... the temperatures are a steady 82-85 with the light on. During dark time it perks right up but then after I turn the light back on the leaves all welt down
  3. R

    Where to order bagseed in the UK?

    Actually, it wasn't a joke. Allow me to explain. I'm not experienced when it comes to growing Marijuana but I read lots of people's grow threads where they stated they were using bagseed. I had no idea what bagseed was. Due to the context the word bagseed was used and the tone in which it was...
  4. R

    Where to order bagseed in the UK?

    Oh... LOL! I was just under the impression you could buy random bags of seeds that had no garauntee of strain or quality, lmao! I've not seen a seed in a bag of weed i've bought for about 6 years....
  5. R

    Where to order bagseed in the UK?

    I know of a few sites where I get particular strains but i havent got a clue where to buy bagseed here!
  6. R

    So I knew Lowryders were supposed to be small.... but... god damn this thing is tiny!

    Haha its about 5 weeks. Its so cute! I'm going to grow a bunch of them together next time I think since I can seemingly fit them into a tiny space!
  7. R

    So I knew Lowryders were supposed to be small.... but... god damn this thing is tiny!

    I know the whole point of Lowryders is that they're small, easy to hide away and easy to grow due to being autoflowering... But hell, this thing is just tiny!!! MiniMcMini! Its AWFULLY cute! :)
  8. R

    Is this plant looking okay?

    Sorry, the plant is 2 weeks old.
  9. R

    Is this plant looking okay?

    Just for reference, this is from my last successful LR#2 grow!
  10. R

    Is this plant looking okay?

    Hey Guys! I am growing Lowryder #2 under CFL lighting and I wanted to ask if this plant was looking okay. I know the leaves look nice and green but the source of my worry is the size. The plant seems to be... almost dwarf-like perhaps? A year or so ago when I grew LR#2 the sets of leaves were...
  11. R

    Crunky's CFL/LED Scrog!

    Looks awesome dude.
  12. R

    I Thought Plants Normally Grew a Bit Quicker in their First Week than This--Pics

    Haha thanks guys guess I am just being paranoid! I have another 250w as well, not plugged it in yet though. Would be 500w for just one plant if I did. Is it worth plugging it in when it gets bigger? Maybe I can hang it vertically to get more light lower down
  13. R

    I Thought Plants Normally Grew a Bit Quicker in their First Week than This--Pics

    I will. I am just worried when I compare it to pics from my last grow, I had a failed grow last month and the plant was almost dwarf like.
  14. R

    I Thought Plants Normally Grew a Bit Quicker in their First Week than This--Pics

    The last time I grew LR#2 This is how it looked after a week.
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    I Thought Plants Normally Grew a Bit Quicker in their First Week than This--Pics

    Hey Guys, This is a Lowryder #2 plant growing under CFLs. It is currently sitting under a 250w CFL (flowering spectrum, I had GREAT results 2 years ago growing Lowryder without a veg lamp). The temperature is ranging from 79-84 F and the humidity is sitting at about 35%. The plant is about...
  16. R

    CFL Grow -- Lowryder #2 Automatic

    Hey Guys, I've decided to post pictures of my grow in this thread :) Partly because my last grow went so bad so I want to make sure it is growing well this time! Could anyone tell me what kind of light schedules people use for Lowryder? I've heard so many different things. It sprouted about...
  17. R

    Probably a silly question (regarding repotting)

    What's the deal with all the repotting that goes on, starting in a cup, going to a bigger pot and then to an even bigger one. I have tried to find the technical reason for it in grow guides and such but I can't find anything. The reason I don't understand it is... why can't you just start in a...
  18. R

    I'm doing something terribly wrong :(

    I've got a 250w CFL I can hang in there
  19. R

    I'm doing something terribly wrong :(

    I have Bio-Bizz Allmix soil. I can wrap the top as well. When I plant the seeds in the soil should I have my light on or off?
  20. R

    I'm doing something terribly wrong :(

    Would you guys recommend I just ditch the paper towel all together and plant them into the soil?