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  1. N3farious

    Ball Shaped New Growth

    So my canadian buddy is growing some bag seed under cfls. It is currently in a container about 4 oz larger than a party cup. He just recently started feeding it with miracle gro 24-8-16. So far he has fed it twice @ 1/2 strength. The The plant is generally green and healthy however recently it...
  2. N3farious

    New House Upgrading to a larger tent setup..any comments?

    Not quite sure what Sub does with his soil after harvest but it might be hard to find out considering he is no longer on any forums! There are few guys over in the Organics section that swear by ROLS (Recycled Organic Living Soil). I am going to give it a try next time...
  3. N3farious

    First time grow 3 weeks in experiencing a *Problem*

    It just looks like the cotyledons are dying so not a huge deal. Usually when I run into yellowing leaves that early it has something to do with either Cal Mag deficiency or PH issues. Are you running RO water? What medium? Seriously? I have been around this site a short time but people like...
  4. N3farious

    setup help 10x4 ft

    I would run 2x 1000w air cooled hoods in that space. Also how many plants is kind of dependent on the amount of vertical space you have. Personally I like to grow 6 foot trees if the space allows it. However if your stressed for vertical space go for a SOG type of grow.
  5. N3farious

    Venting a 1000w in a small space

    Even my air cooled hood + 400w MH in my 2x4x7 tent was going 85 degrees and higher without A/C. So 100% not a 1000w and maybe even a 600w will be pushing it. My .02
  6. N3farious

    First time grower, kinda.

    Gorilla 4x4 with a 1000w in an aircooled hood = WIN
  7. N3farious

    clones santa ana newport beach

    lol.... wut
  8. N3farious

    2000w in 5x5

    Yeah I am confident I could get a good yield off of 1x 1000w bulb. My issue isn't the yield necessarily as I all of this is medical and for personal use. I was more thinking about quality (less "popcorn" buds) as 1000w bulbs have higher lumens and more canopy penetration.
  9. N3farious

    2000w in 5x5

    I kind of wanted to run 1000w bulbs but I have thought about the 2x 600 bulbs as that is 48 lumens per square foot. Not even sure how I would handle that. Do I measure 12" from the light? 2 feet from the light? etc. I don't know where the number came from. Just seemed to be the common number...
  10. N3farious

    2000w in 5x5

    So a few posts in my other thread got me thinking. I just moved up from a 2x4 tent in which I used 1x 600w in an air cooled reflector to a 5x5 tent. I was happy with yields and I had about 75 watts per square foot. I just got a new home so I decided to up my tent size. I figured if my 600w in...
  11. N3farious

    Exhausting inside room.

    Yeah I never doubted being able to control the heat. With enough a/c, ducting, and huge in-lines you can cool almost anything. I was just wondering if that would be wasted $ on the electric bill. But hey I am learning as well.
  12. N3farious

    suggestions or advice on my new stelth idea

    I have been lukring on almost all of your threads about this idea Dylan. If you actually do ever go through with any thing of this sort I surely hope you give us RIU readers some good pics :razz:
  13. N3farious

    Exhausting inside room.

    4-6 plants in #7 Airpots
  14. N3farious

    Exhausting inside room.

    Woa a 4x4 with 2x 600's? I am a 100% noob when it comes to how much light is needed but isn't that overkill? I have a 5x5 with a 1000 watt HPS in it. Perhaps I am not running enough light? Sorry for the myriad of questions lol. Also that is exactly what I did with my old 2x4 tent. It is now my...
  15. N3farious

    Exhausting inside room.

    Ah that was a good read. Looks like you are pulling a pretty good yield from that 4x4. I noticed you said you had to go with a cheaper tent. If you end up re-buying your tent I can not recommend Gorilla Grow tents enough. They are such a high quality, great design, although the price is a little...
  16. N3farious

    California MMJ Patients

    Happily completed. Hope the info somehow helps.
  17. N3farious

    Exhausting inside room.

    This is exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks bud and I will subscribe to your grow journals if you post.
  18. N3farious

    Exhausting inside room.

    I have a tent inside a sealed room with A/C and I am going to start running CO2. I have 1x 1000 watt HPS inside of an air cooled reflector. As long as my temps are fine, are there any issues with exhausting the air cooled light into the same room as the tent? I think this is much more stealth...