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    sick sick 1st gro

    before it got sick and i flushed ph was anywhere from 5-6
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    sick sick 1st gro

    well its growing out of an aerogarden i is about 7 and i'm using aerogarden nutes(cherry tomato) dilluted a bit and i just grabbed some 10-52-10 and molasses to supplement is 3 42w 2 23w cfls and an aerogarden hood with whatever their two lights are and a two...
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    sick sick 1st gro

    no one wants to read this plant!!!
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    bud on seedling

    sooo..i had this seedling in a 6 0z solo cup but no where to put sat next to my girl, who is now in 4th week flowering so i decided to transplant this tiny pathetic plant...bout 4-5 leaves all VERY tiny and half witherd...well after i put it in a bigger pot it started to grow a bud on...
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    sick sick 1st gro

    I'm aboutr 4 weeks into flowering and my plant all of sudden has been expressing some new probs....i know its stretched thats why i assume my buds are so i'm using cfls.....but the top leaves are wilted over, i'm thinking maybe heat stress?? and some other spots and colors...any...
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    Hermie Question

    check it...........i pulled the flowers right and they never grew back and there was some pollen dropped but the buds are still growing so does that mean they weren't pollenated?
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    Marijuana cruelty at it's finest

    i've read honey for the sugars but doesn t have all the benefits of molasses aka help delivering micro nutrients and managing soil also brown sugar is pretty much powdered molasses
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    Hermie Question

    Hey...i'm bout 3 weeks into flowering...had to go on a trip for about 5 days, when i came back there were male flowers on my bitch!! i think this is due to stress(accidentally dropped light and it scraped the stem and ripped a few leaves accidentally) i found bout 3 or 4 male flowers...was...
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    1st Time Ghetto Closet Grow

    should have i waited to induce flowering????
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    Hps question

    I know this may be a retarded question but I don't know....what kind of fixture does a HPS light require??? like it doesn't screw into incandescent sockets like cfls right?? any info about it and where to get a cheap one would be greatly appreciated
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    1st Time Ghetto Closet Grow

    yayyyyyy.....shit my gf is gonna be pissed
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    1st Time Ghetto Closet Grow

    yeah those look good....mine actually looked close to that in the beginning but one leaf would rise up to the light and eventually burn forcing me to raise the light....didn't want to try topping since its my first time growing anything really
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    1st Time Ghetto Closet Grow

    thats qhat I heard....I've heard that most generic wholesale weed that isn't really cream of the crop stuff, is poorly grown...if truly taken care of it can improve quite a bit--unless its just horrible--but this thing smells scrumptious
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    1st Time Ghetto Closet Grow

    Its an aero garden hood which is like 2 cfl's i think....a 24 inch flourescent with a hood and a 26 watt cfl...just started out wid the hood...maybe able to add another money...and its a seed I found on a friends table so....???probably schwagg stuff
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    1st Time Ghetto Closet Grow

    This is in a closet, my only closet, co habitating with mine and my gf's clothes. its bout 5 weeks old, 3 days into flowering....have ripped a few different leaves being careless....wadya think?