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  1. O

    continued grow

    hey all day 37 flower well things are developing nicely looking at the first week of september for the indica and the end of september for the widow. she is definitely leaning sativa with later development.
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    continued grow

    day 34 flower; well it got down to 45 degrees last night their first fall like night the indica is astounding me with her copious resin production she is just absolutely falling all over herself to grow them. also I am starting to see that tight bud formation with some buds growing past the...
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    continued grow

    day 33 flower; well the widow continues with the leaf die off I am pretty sure thats normal for the time of season. all of the inner growth is pristine and verdant. posting a vid as well kind of helps with scale
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    continued grow

    no mr kitty pees and poops under the pine tree he is real good about that and yes A cage is a great idea as well.
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    continued grow

    pics of the indica wow just wow and we still have 3-4 more weeks to go
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    continued grow

    Day 31 flower; its getting more difficult to get these 2 into and out of the blackout shelter they are bigger than I expected for sure. the widow is really starting to drop leaves hard but continues to flower well so I hope thats normal the indica is stunning with super copious amounts of...
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    What did you accomplish today?

    I traveled 60 miles bath ways on public fransport to pick up a 1000 watt ballast and bulb. fun fun
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    continued grow

    absolutely I am very very excited and seeds too so yeah!
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    Swisha's First official grow

    great lookin grow very high tech I am amazed at the lower growth those leds give. how many par watts does that light produce and at what wattage? thank you
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    continued grow

    I have the photoperiod dialed in to sunset so the get that end of day comedown before going into the shelter. this is today day 31 flower
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    continued grow

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    continued grow

    hello all time for a new grow blog. lets start outside with 3 plants one who was a male and now 2 and a few seeds here and there. it's a delight to be able to grow in pots outside plants seem to love the sun. at any rate the strains are nirvana's white widow and a mystery indica plant that was a...
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    the oldmans perpetual setup

    Hello there all. well it has been a minute huh? well this freedom fighter went down in a fierce battle and got put down for a 9 year sentence. 9 years for growing a fucking plant and I was a licensed medical provider as well. a state licenced grower with no money no dry bud just live plants and...
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    Drug dealing and what not..

    yeah I gotta say not cool on this one this thread should die it a violation of the tos I bet
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    Just got a kitten

    its not litter but the box should be big enough to easily hold the cat, the lil bugger is missing mom and the rest he/she will forget all about em after the first few naps.
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    the oldmans perpetual setup

    hey all been around a while so I reckin it time to do a diary. I grow in a 12 x 12 ft room that is split in half with panda film to create 2 chambers. for lights I run 1600 watts a side2 horazontal and 2 vert in the flower side and 4 horrazontal under one hood on the veg side. I also have a...
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    Vertical light question

    I have drilled holes through the horazontal reflector just 1-2 inches from the end of the bulb and thread the vert through that hole i can keep the flowers 5-6 inches from the bulb.
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    Hydroponics and a Fish Tank.

    hey twisty, i will pitch in on this one. good idea there I think it should work great, but I do foresee some issues first off cfl lights should work fine use daylight for veg, but if you get a 150 watt swithable hid you will get a much better product. depending on the strain you will end up...
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    1st time grower..take a LOOK help me OUT

    they look a lil overwatered or perhaps cold to me but they dont look terminal to me so keep on keepin on mang.
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    Vertical light question

    I use a combo of a horazontal and a hanging verticle it works great plants seed to love it and the horazontal light kills the dead zone right under the hanging bulb