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  1. C

    2 plants in 1 pot?

    I've have two in one pot now. I have a total of 11 girls flowering know. the two in the same bucket are intotal going to give me less yeild then the ones that are alone. I will always go with one per bucket. It seems like they fight for the water and nutes.
  2. C

    Mylar vs. white paint

    Agree. Use the mylar
  3. C

    what do u love more weed or sex?

    Sex for me!!! But my wife is hot
  4. C

    Bad bad baaaad very bad i think

    When was the last time you watered them? Dropy leaves can be a sign of needing water.
  5. C


    Dude I think it could be the bucket that you are using. The side walls look very high ( not enough air flow )and the bucket is blue wich would hold heat.
  6. C

    If you bury the stem with dirt, will that stem grow roots?

    I just did the same thing and the plant seem happy. read it in a different post.
  7. C

    what would you do??

    Yeah I think that will work better. Just be ohnest with your mom and good luck on your grow.
  8. C

    what would you do??

    Dude you are setting up all wrong. It's your mothers house and she didn't give permision. You already have a buddy that knows what you are up to. I'd rethink this bud.
  9. C

    Grrrrrrrr someone ganked my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope you get to kick his their faces in
  10. C

    All Man Someone please Help

    this is good newby info.
  11. C

    flat white compared to gloosy whit acrylic

    thanks for the replies guys. It sound like I'm painting flat white on the walls. It would be easier to do anyway.
  12. C

    flat white compared to gloosy whit acrylic

    what is the benifit of flat over gloss. I was thinking the glossy sheets would be like a huge reflector for my lights.
  13. C

    flat white compared to gloosy whit acrylic

    hello fella's I'm in the middle of building my small grow room. I've read to cover the walls with flat white paint for reflection. I have very high gloss white acrylic sheets that I us in my bussiness and was thinking this would be better for reflection but not sur if this would be better or...
  14. C

    Hello all. Stoner from east coast

    Thanks for the welcome. anyone stoned?
  15. C

    Hello all. Stoner from east coast

    I'm new to growing and trying to learn all I can. Currently building a small grow room. look forward to meeting new freinds