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  1. E

    Heat Damage during Flowering(Hermie'd Plants?) Need Help ASAP

    You got any pics? would love to see if it looks like what I'm seeing.
  2. E

    Heat Damage during Flowering(Hermie'd Plants?) Need Help ASAP

    anyone mind answering my last question? thanks
  3. E

    Heat Damage during Flowering(Hermie'd Plants?) Need Help ASAP

    I guess the other question I need to ask, is what do I do if my plants are infact going back to veg? Should I just chop them and start over, salvaging what I've got?
  4. E

    Heat Damage during Flowering(Hermie'd Plants?) Need Help ASAP

    Well, what's wierd is it is growing new buds, they just generally look really stretched. The old buds are probably still developing somewhat (they have gotten somewhat puffier and more crystally, they just aren't growing at the rate they used to be).
  5. E

    Heat Damage during Flowering(Hermie'd Plants?) Need Help ASAP

    Well, the seeds are unimportant to me, I have clones of the plants. To me, the bud calyxes look swollen already on much of the non-damaged growth. The trichs still appear clear though which is why I'm confused. I'll try to post some more pictures in a bit so you can see some of the buds that...
  6. E

    Heat Damage during Flowering(Hermie'd Plants?) Need Help ASAP

    Yeah, I was actually reading your post yesterday and it sounded very similar. What's strange is I havn't been able to locate any seeds in the strange growth. Also, I don't think this is a light leak problem as there are definitely buds developing and I've put flowered plants back into veg, and...
  7. E

    Heat Damage during Flowering(Hermie'd Plants?) Need Help ASAP

    I just took pictures of some of the damaged stuff. There are definitely normal looking buds, and the hairs at one point were starting to turn red, however it seems like they havn't changed any more for a while now.
  8. E

    Heat Damage during Flowering(Hermie'd Plants?) Need Help ASAP

    Yes, other than trimming off some of the lower branches about 30 days in, the only stuff I've cut from my plant was the growth I knew was fucked up. I will take some pictures in a bit and post them so you can see why I'm not sure what to do. I definitely have some buds that look super nice and...
  9. E

    Heat Damage during Flowering(Hermie'd Plants?) Need Help ASAP

    I'm growing some sour d plants in an aeroponic setup. A few weeks ago I apparently burned the tops of my plants by letting them grow too close to the light. I started getting really strange growth (most often it looks like a bud tried to grow, but the branch stretched all crazy, so it just has...
  10. E

    store bought rapid rooter plug clone problems

    You guys got any tips for starting the clones from RR's from the shop? I normally dont have anything around the roots due to my easycloner. My setup is an aero setup, with hydroton-filled net pots being sprayed from the bottom. My success rate for clones in the plugs is like 1/25. I'm pretty...
  11. E

    store bought rapid rooter plug clone problems

    When I buy clones from the shops, they come in the rapid rooter plugs. Most recently, about a month ago, I bought 4 clones, only 1 seems to have survived till now, but it hardly seems to be growing. I've had this same issue with almost all the clones I've bought. My system is working well, as...
  12. E

    Water seal for aero grow box

    I have an 'aero' setup using microjets inside of a 32 gallon storage bin. I've been having problems with little bits of water leaking out. I tried sealing the lid with some stuff for sealing bathtubs(a sticky black putty tape), and it seems to work pretty good for a while, but eventually a...
  13. E

    cloning during harvest?

    Yeah, going to cut back on the nutes soon, got probably 2 more weeks before harvest or so. So I can repot them and not have to worry too much? That's mainly why I was wondering about cutting clones, I need my system back for a new grow and it needs a good cleaning. I'm assuming hydroton is...
  14. E

    EZ Clone help???

    Veg nutes since it's in veg mode of course. And make sure it's a very small amount, I usually use a bit under what they say to use for baby plants. And yeah, definately let at least an inch hang out of the neoprene.
  15. E

    EZ Clone help???

    I have an ez-cloner, and the instructions say not to use nutes. However what I have noticed is that the clones don't really grow much until I start adding a very small amount. I usually give them about 3 days of plain ph'd water until I start seeing the little white nubs forming. At that...
  16. E

    cloning during harvest?

    should I cut the nutrients back when i reveg?
  17. E

    cloning during harvest?

    I'm about ready to harvest a set of plants which I have unfortunately lost the mothers to, and I'm wondering if i can cut clones while I'm harvesting. Is this really even possible with a decent success rate or am I better off trying to reveg them?
  18. E

    cloning after harvest or reveg?

    so it's not possible to cut some clippings off while im harvesting and throw them in the cloner?
  19. E

    cloning after harvest or reveg?

    I have some plants almost ready to harvest, and unfortunately I lost the mother and I want to make some clones so I can keep the 2 strains I have right now. I'm wondering if I can cut clones after I harvest, or if I need to try and regenerate the plants to cut clones. Any advice would be...