cloning during harvest?


Active Member
I'm about ready to harvest a set of plants which I have unfortunately lost the mothers to, and I'm wondering if i can cut clones while I'm harvesting. Is this really even possible with a decent success rate or am I better off trying to reveg them?


Well-Known Member
Cloning anything is possible at any stage, you can clone with just a bud but it isn't easy. Not easy at all and takes freaking forever.

Reveg is better in this case because it is really easy and works for sure. You have to harvest and leave enough vegetation for it to come back after switching it back to veg light cycles.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
You should have cut back on nutes at least a week before harvest. At that point, cut the top third of the plant off, collect buds from the middle third, and gather few buds from the lower third. Re pot in good organic shit, start veg nutes & liquid seaweed immediately, place in 24/7 lighting.


Active Member
You should have cut back on nutes at least a week before harvest. At that point, cut the top third of the plant off, collect buds from the middle third, and gather few buds from the lower third. Re pot in good organic shit, start veg nutes & liquid seaweed immediately, place in 24/7 lighting.
Yeah, going to cut back on the nutes soon, got probably 2 more weeks before harvest or so. So I can repot them and not have to worry too much? That's mainly why I was wondering about cutting clones, I need my system back for a new grow and it needs a good cleaning. I'm assuming hydroton is fine instead of soil(they are in hydroton right now)? Also, is the seaweed something that helps regen the plants, or just something you generally use?


Well-Known Member
I would have to think that you can harvest about 1/4 to 1/2 maybe 3/4 of the bud and reveg it but try to leave as many leafs as you can so that reveging goes a bit smoother